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Min minus 18 Celsius

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Q: What is appropriate temperature for storing produce such as Seafood Pork Beef and Chicken in a freezer?
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Temperature for chicken nugget storage?

you would usually keep chicken nuggets in a freezer, a freezer usually -18c you would usually keep chicken nuggets in a freezer, a freezer usually -18c

Can you cook chicken that came straight from the freezer?

As long as the chicken was thoroughly cooked and reached the appropriate temperature in all parts of the chicken, it should be safe to eat.

Chicken thawed in the freezer then refrozen?

Depends on what temperature the chicken got to before "refreezing". Once it gets over 40F it should be cooked or discarded.

Can freezer burnt chicken be poison?

A chicken can contain toxins but they would not be caused by freezer burn.

What is a temperature in a freezer?

The usual temperature in a freezer is at or below 32 degrees. Most home freezers are set at 28 degrees. This will put the food temperature at about the same as the freezer temperature.

Can you put cooked chicken in the refrigerator freezer then put the unthawed chicken into the deep freezer?

Yes, you can do both. Be sure to place either in a sealed freezer baggie or container suitable for freezing.

Is it bad if the chicken turns white when defrosting?

It could be bad if the chicken turns white when defrosting. This could mean that the chicken got freezer burn from being in the freezer too long. It is best to toss the chicken.

Can you put thawed chicken back in the freezer?

It is not advisable for a person to put thawed chicken back in the freezer. This is because chicken is prone to salmonella, which can cause a person to become very ill.

How do you predict the temperature of the air in a balloon with known starting volume and temperature after it has been in a freezer with known temperature for a 10 seconds?

If it's been in the freezer long enough, it will have the same temperature of the freezer. Thermal energy is transferred from warmer objects to cooler objects until there is an equilibrium, which in this case is the temperature of the freezer.

You have some chicken in the freezer still in it's original package from like last year Is it still good?

Chicken that has been store properly will last up to 12 months. If it wasn't wrapped for the freezer it will have freezer burn. Freezer burn is caused by the drying-out of the chicken's meat. This will affect the taste and the appearance of the chicken.

How do freezer trucks maintain such a low temperature?

Freezer trucks maintain a low temperature by being very well insulated. Freezer trucks use the same concept as a stationary freezer to work but they are specially designed to move about.

What the temperature of freezer?

under 25F