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Explicit is a word used to describe movies that have sexual content in them. Implicit means that sexual content is implied but not directly shown.

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6h ago

Explicit meanings in a movie are directly stated or shown, while implicit meanings are implied or suggested. Explicit meanings are usually easier to identify and understand, while implicit meanings may require deeper analysis and interpretation to uncover the underlying themes or messages in a film.

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What are the difference between Explicit grammar and implicit grammar?

Explicit grammar refers to rules and principles that are consciously taught and learned, while implicit grammar refers to the ability to unconsciously apply the rules of grammar in language use. Explicit grammar instruction involves direct teaching of grammar rules and structures, while implicit grammar acquisition occurs through exposure to language and practice.

Difference between explicit service implicit service?

Explicit services: The benefits that are realidy observable by the senses and that consist of the essential or intrinsic feature of the service. such as absence of pain after a tooth is repaired. Implicit services: psychological benefits that the customer may sense only valuegly, or the strinsic feature of the services. such as musicin bar, cheerful flight attendant

What is implicit theme?

An implicit theme is a theme in a literary work that is not directly stated but is revealed gradually through the characters, plot, and dialogue. It requires readers to infer and interpret the underlying messages and meanings of the work.

What is the implicit deny concept?

The implicit deny concept refers to the default action taken by a firewall or access control system when there is no explicit rule to permit or deny traffic. In this case, all traffic is denied unless specifically allowed by a rule. This helps enhance security by preventing unauthorized access by default.

What is implicit and explicit data type conversion in C programming?

Implicit data type conversion happens automatically by the compiler when a value is assigned to a different data type. Explicit data type conversion, on the other hand, is done by the programmer using type casting to convert a value from one data type to another. It gives the programmer control over how the conversion is done.

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