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A moraine is formed by a glacier. A moraine may be terminal, medial, or lateral.

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Q: What is formed by a glacier it may be terminal medial or lateral?
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What is the term for glacier sediment?

The rock and soil debris accompanying the glacier is moraine. lateral moraine at the sides where avalanches have dropped it, terminal moraine where the glacier finishes, and medial moraine formed from the lateral moraines of two contributory glaciers when they join.

What are four kind of Moraines?


What are the various types of moraines?

Lateral moraine, Medial moraine and Terminal moraine.

What type of moraine forms along each side of a glaicer?

There are many types of moraines. These include medial moraine, lateral moraine, ground moraine, and terminal moraine. The type that forms along each side of a glacier is a terminal moraine. The one that forms from unsorted rock materials is called a medial moraine.

What are the processes and bones that create your medial and lateral ankle and wrist bumps?

The bumps at the ankle are the malleoli (singular malleolus). The medial malleolus is formed by the tibia, and the lateral malleolus by the fibula. The medial wrist bump is formed by the styloid process of the ulna, and the lateral wrist bump by the styloid process of the radius.

Unsorted rocky debris that is formed by a melting glacier?

The unsorted rocky debris formed by a melting glacier is called moraine. Moraines can come in various forms, such as lateral moraines, medial moraines, and terminal moraines, depending on where they are deposited by the glacier. This debris is a mixture of different rock sizes and types that were picked up and transported by the moving glacier.

What is a Medial moraine?

Moraine are the rock and soil debris deposited on the surface of a glacier by avalanches and landslips. Those at the edges (the first formed) are Lateral moraine. Those at the terminus of the glacier are Terminal moraine. Where two glaciers join, then their lateral moraines join to become a Medial moraine, i.e. 'middle'. The moraine overburden lodged towards the head of a glacier, tends to slip down the schrunds and is a major erosive component in the abrasive action. Where the glacier travels over a step in its bed, an ice-fall is created, marked by a crevasse jumble, and into this much other moraine is embedded into the traveling glacier. It is remarkable to realize that most of the cross-section of the U-shaped of a glacier's valley has been removed by abrasion - converted into rock flour.

What two joints are formed containing the medial and lateral ends of the clavicle?

The medial end of the clavicle forms the sternoclavicular joint. The lateral end of the clavicle forms the acromioclavicular joint.

Are the thoracic vertebrae medial or lateral to the scapula?

You can describe them as medial to the scapula.

What is the opposite of medial?

The opposite of medial is lateral.

Where is the eye in relation to the ear lateral or medial?

The shoulders are lateral and inferior to the eyes. The eyes are superior and medial to the shoulders.

Superior and medial nasal conchae formed its projections?

Formed from the medially extending bone of the lateral masses of the Ethmoid into the nasal cavity.