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Q: What is in milk that makes it a good culture medium for production of yogurt?
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Related questions

Can homemade yogurt be made without a starter culture?

When making homemade yogurt one needs to have either freeze dried starter culture or a container of plain yogurt with active yogurt culture. Once an individual makes a first batch of yogurt, a small part of it can then be used to start the next batch.

What organism makes yogurt?

Dairy yogurt is produced using a culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilusbacteria. In addition, Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria are also sometimes added during or after culturing yogurt.

What is the component in the SIM deep tubes that makes the medium suitable to detect the production of indole by bacteria?


What does product?

I think it production mean too be productve at all time..........

What makes yogurt sour?

It could be the flavoring, how old the yogurt is. But it is not normally sour.

What products does Yoplait makes aside from yogurt?

Yoplait does not make anything else besides different kinds of yogurt. They currently offer Greek yogurt, baby yogurt, squeeze yogurt, and yogurt with fruit/granola.

What is housing production?

A Production House is a company that makes screen media - adverts, television programmes, corporate videos and films. It suggests a small to medium size screen production company - 2 to 30 staff. Sometimes there are several companies running from the one production house.

What is a production house?

A Production House is a company that makes screen media - adverts, television programmes, corporate videos and films. It suggests a small to medium size screen production company - 2 to 30 staff. Sometimes there are several companies running from the one production house.

Why are people with lactose intolerance eat yogurt?

Yogurt is made by adding a bacterial culture that eats lactose, excreting lactic acid. With the lactose already removed, the yogurt is fully digestible by lactose intolerant people with no bad reactions. The lactic acid simply makes it taste sour and that is usually covered over with fruit if you don't like it.

Is the yogurt alive?

No, bacteria inside it is alive but the yogurt itself is not, so no yogurt is not alive. Some people may think that it is, but yogurt is dairy that contains edibal bacteria, but the dairy, witch is the yogurt, is not accually alive.

Who makes yogurt?


Does ice cream melt faster than frozen yogurt?

yes ice cream does melt faster than frozen yogurt because it has ice and cream in it that makes it melt faster and frozen yogurt has yogurt in it which makes it thicker and since its frozen it makes it even more thicker so ice cream does melt faster than frozen yogurt.thats why ice cream is faster melt than yogurt.