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Such an attitude is called homophobia. Even though the phrase uses the word phobia (Fear) someone who is homophobic may instead hate or dislike LGBT people.

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Q: What is it called when you don't like gays and bisexuals and lesbians?
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What should you do about people that are against gays?

People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals being intentionally distributed by people who feel this fear. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex. Some others will use mistranslations from the Bible as an excuse to hate homosexuals, but there arguments don't hold up under close scrutiny. Gays, bisexuals, and lesbians are just normal people with different tastes.

Why are their so many gays and bisexuals?

There really isn't too many actually; gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are a minority to straight people. It could just be that you live in an area were gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are very concentrated for whatever reason, probably just chance.

What is the secret of gays?

Gays, bisexuals, lesbians, transgender people have no secret. They were just born the way they are, and want the same rights as everyone else.

What does homophonoes mens?

Homophobe? It means that you are scared of homosexuals (gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transexuals, queers, etc.)

Can lesbians fall in love with boys?

It depends on the person, but most lesbians have many gay male friends.

Which is cool lesbians or gays?


Who does the summer camp Camp Camp cater to?

Camp camp is quite a unique camp. It caters to a very specific group of people. It caters to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transvestites. It is for both singles and couples belonging to these groups.

What is the name of the compromise policy that emerged after Clinton's failed attempt to end ban on gays and lesbians in the military?

It was called "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and it existed from 1993 to 2011.

Why are bisexuals part of the gay and lesbian community and not the heterosexual community?

Not all people of any sexuality belong to the the same community. For instance, many heterosexual people join the LGBT community in that they fight against bigotry and persecution of gays and lesbians. Likewise, some gay people and bisexuals choose to avoid same-sex relations (even if they can't avoid the attraction), and do not become a part of the LGBT community. Many Republicans who hide their homosexuality have been the source of the most hateful rhetoric against homosexuality. Obviously, as bisexuals face the same persecution as gays and lesbians when they are seeing someone of the same gender, it is natural for majority of them to join the LGBT community.

What is a rainbow turtle?

To me its a turtle who supports gays lesibans transexuals and bisexuals and accepts people for who they are.

What are the cultural feelings about lesbians from Japan?

In Japan there are some laws protecting gays and lesbians, and being gay is not illegal. Regardless, of their protecting laws many gays and lesbians feel cultural pressure to hide their homosexuality.

Why are some people against gays and lesbians?

People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex. Some use the Bible as an excuse, but that doesn't hold up under close scrutiny. Gays, bisexuals, and lesbians are just normal people with different tastes.I'm a lesbian and I get "those looks" all the time. I don't think it's right. Don't you know people really get hurt by that kind of stuff? The Bible says as long as you believe in God you have a free ticket to heaven. I say that people hate lesbians, bisexuals, and gays because we aren't normal and don't want to be. We rather not fit in and be happy than fit in and not be happy at all.My name is Nikki. I'm bisexual and people look at me differently because of that. People just don't get that if your gay, lesbian, or bisexual it's okay; your not hurting anyone. We're all just people just have different taste. There's nothing wrong with being Gay, Bisexual, or Lesbian. We're still human and we should still have the same rights.People find lesbians, bisexuals, and gays different and a disgrace to the world. Unfortunately, I am straight, but do respect all sexualities. I say they are all equal and deserve the rights the have! Please people, what would Jesus do? He would probably respect them and treat them equal. All are accepted into the kingdom of Heaven, including gays, bis, and lesbians. Look upon your actions, you cause others pain and hurt. Do not do that! Each individual should have equal respect. Each person has their own taste and we need to respect that! They are human, but just with a different opinion. They are not "aliens!" We all count as one and deserve that right. Please, don't turn on your own kind. Think about that.i think its because of there religion and how they grew up...most people arent used to the fact that people can be attracted to there sex...but i think they should understand some gays cant help it..people should just respect that they had the guts to stop hidding..:) missy(gay female)