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Q: What is it called when your family passes stuff down?
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When the federal government passes authority to administer a program down to state or local governments, it is called

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You press the valves down when playing a trumpet.

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Genetics. Everybody else in his family is so the gene passes down the line.

What is it called the king passes power down from father to son?

Nepotism or Hereditary

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It was pretty good. had family down. got stuff. that's bout it. how bout you?

A son of a duke must wait for his father to do what before receiving that family name?

Die, I think ,the title passes down the family like Kings and queens.

When light passes through substances such as glass or water it slows down and appears to bend what is this called?

This is called 'slowing down' and 'refraction'. They're not only apparent, they're real.

Food breaks down into a thin watery liquid called?

The food passes down through your stomach and through your abdomen turning into what is called chyme. Your welcome it was in our Health homework. =)

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