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Q: What is lactic tolerance?
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Increased tolerance to lactic acid?

Increased tolerance to lactic acid can result from regular physical training, specifically aerobic exercises like running or cycling. This training improves the body's ability to efficiently clear lactic acid from the muscles, delaying the onset of fatigue and allowing for longer periods of intense activity. Additionally, including high-intensity interval training in a workout routine can also help increase lactic acid tolerance.

What are ways to train yourself to run faster?

Interval training to boost lactic tolerance, and weights/gym training to get more strength for sprints.

One type of fermentation in muscle cells produces?

Lactate (also known as lactic acid) and NAD+

What is lactic acidemia?

Lactic acidemia is the presence in excess of lactic acid in blood.

Is lactic a base or an acid?

acid as in lactic acid?

What are the two main types of lactic acid?

The two main types of lactic acid are L-lactic acid and D-lactic acid. They are optical isomers, meaning they have the same chemical formula but differ in the arrangement of atoms. L-lactic acid is the form produced in the human body during strenuous exercise, while D-lactic acid is produced by certain bacteria.

What are the products of lactic acid frementation?

The products of lactic acid fermentation are lactic acid and ATP. This process is anaerobic and commonly occurs in muscle cells during intense exercise when oxygen is limited.

What is the sequence of lactic fermentation?

Glucose---Lactic Acid+ Energy

Anaerobic glucose breakdown produces a compound called?

it is the conversion of glucose into lactic acid

Is lactose in lactic acid?

No. Lactic acid is a different molecule than lactose. Molecular Formulas: Lactic Acid- C3H6O3 Lactose- C12H22O11 In addition, lactose is a sugar molecular while, as you may guess, lactic acid is an acid. When raw milk turns sour or becomes curdled, lactic acid bacteria are fermenting lactose into lactic acid.

What has more acid than yogurt?

I'm not sure but, Lemon,Vinegar and lactic acid is in cheese..

What is the by-product of lactic acid fermentation?

The by-product of lactic acid fermentation is lactic acid. This process occurs in muscle cells when oxygen is in short supply, leading to the production of lactic acid as a way to generate energy. Lactic acid can build up in muscles and cause fatigue and muscle soreness.