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Lactic acid + energy

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Q: What is produced in your muscles when they perform fermentation?
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Builds in muscles due to fermentation?

Lactic Acid is produced during extended muscle contraction by fermentation.

What substance produced by alcoholic fermentation makes your muscles hurt?

Lactic Acid

Fermentation in muscle cells produces?

Fermentation in muscle cells produces lactic acid. This happens when you have overworked your muscles, which can happen during exercise.

Explain why muscles must use lactic acid fermentation instead of cellular respiration during intense physical activity?

Because mammalian muscle cells are genetically programmed to perform lactic acid fermentation, not ethanol fermentation.

What happens to muscles when there is not enough oxygen?

oxygen debt. more oxygen is needed than what is being supplied. the body then begins anaerobic respiration (the cells "breathe" for you). a result of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid. lactic acid is that soreness feeling you get after a hard workout

What molecule is produced with the expenditure of nadh fermentation?

Lactate is produced in this way. It is a product of the NADH fermentation.

What type of fermentation has lactic acid as an end product?

Lactic acid fermentation. This type of fermentation occurs when your muscles need more oxygen for energy, so fermentation gives your muscles a little extra energy.

When bacteria perform fermentation what waste product is formed?

It depends on the type of substrate used; in alcohol or ethanol fermentation carbon dioxide is produced as byproduct. whereas in case of baker yeast CO2 is the sole product!

What type of fermentation takes place in your body muscles?

lactic acid fermentation

What is produced by yeast during fermentation?

Carbon Dioxide (C2O) and Alcohol are produced by yeast during fermentation.

Where does the sour taste come from in foods such as chesee and yogurt?

Lactic acid produced by fermentation.

What type of fermentation takes place in your muscles when you exercise vigorously?

Lactic Acid Fermentation