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Q: What is the acid made by the stomach to let pepsin work?
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What substance must be present in the stomach for pepsin to work best?

What substance must be present in the stomach for pepsin to work best? *

Witch acid is used to digest food in the stomach?

Pepsin, which digests protein in the stomach, requires an acidic environment in order to work properly. Hydrochloric acid is stored in the stomach so that pepsin has a good environment to work in.

How do pepsin hydrochloric acid work together to digest food in the stomach?

Contrary to popular belief, the acid is not directly responsible for the digestion of nutrients in the stomach. The hydrochloric acid is there to provide suitable acidic conditions for pepsin to work efficiently. The pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller amino acids.

Why is there hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

Pepsin, which is used to break down proteins, cannot work unless it is in an acid environment. Due to this fact, the stomach secretes both pepsin and hydrochloric acid to digest the protein in a meal.

Why does pepsin not remain active in the duodenum?

Yes. The precursor of pepsin is called pepsinogen; it is produced by stomach cells and then activated by the HCl in the stomach. Pepsin works best at very low pH.... e.g. acid conditions of the stomach. The small intestine has glands that produce neutralize the acid. Pepsin denatures at pH's of 5,0 or higher..... so effectively it is neutralized when the chyme enters the small intestine.

What is gastric juice made of?

gastric juice is made of · A protease called pepsin. · Dilute HCl which activates the pepsin and provides the correct pH for it to work. Also kills bacteria. · Mucus - which protects the wall of the stomach from self digestion and acid damage. = Gastic Acid.

What type of enviorment does pepsin work best in?

The optimum pH of pepsin is pH2. Pepsin is found in the stomach and it is protease enzyme that digest protein into smaller molecule. The stomach is suitable place for it because it is acidic , so it's activity increases in the acidic environment.

What are the 3 kinds of gastric juices?

I believe they are pepsin, hydrochloric acid, and gastric acid. Pepsin digests proteins and breaks them into protein fragments. It can only work in acidic environments. Many people believe that the stomach acid breaks down food, but it is actually the pepsin that is activated by the acid.

How do pepsin and hydrochloric acid work together to digest food in the stomach?

Contrary to popular belief, the acid is not directly responsible for the digestion of nutrients in the stomach. The hydrochloric acid is there to provide suitable acidic conditions for pepsin to work efficiently. The pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller amino acids.

Does the effectiveness of pepsin depend on pH?

yuppp that's why the stomach acid is so acidic, it will only work in a very acidic environment

The effectiveness of pepsin depends on pH?

yuppp that's why the stomach acid is so acidic, it will only work in a very acidic environment

What susbance must be present in the stomach for pepsin to work best?

HCI or hydrochloric acid helps to lower down the Ph value of stomach and thus activates Pepsin, which is an enzyme present in most juices, and helps to break proteins into smaller peptides.