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ingredients in stein removers that are active are the ones that have the most percentage of the ingrediant in it. also on the back of the container it lists the active ingredients.

ADDENDUM There are different products on the market - here in Europe, but I am certain in the U.S.A. also - containing what is generally a limited range of ingredients to tackle different kinds of stain. A general all-purpose pre-laundry treatment, for example, will usually contain two different groups of detergent molecules - anionic and non-ionic surfactants - which bind to fats of all kinds (including waxes and oils) as well as inks; along with aliphatic hydrocarbons, which are particularly effective at dissolving paints and also assist in the removal of greasy substances.

Bleaching agents are also very good at removing inks and pigments, but oxygen-based agents are much less destructive to clothing than the traditional chlorine-based agents (used to clean lavatories).

Substances such as terpines, derived from citrus fruits, and the chemical limonene, are also very effective at removing grease and fats.

IN SUMMARY, then, many different products usually contain only a limited number of substances, and this is an area in which manufacturers make all kinds of magic claims for their products in advertising; so it is wise to be a little circumspect and to read the label!

FREE PIECE OF LAUNDRY WISDOM! Always wash towels, dish-cloths and anything else that you use for drying without fabric conditioner. The soft feeling that conditioners give to cotton and other fibres is a result of binding to the surface of the item which will drastically reduce its ability then to bind to and absorb water.

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Q: What is the active ingredient in stain removers?
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There should be an ingredient list on your package. Here are some common ingredients in many stain removers: Surfactants Enzymes Sodium Carbonate Oxygen Bleach Stabilizers Preservatives Fragrances Solvents However, it is possible to get poisoned by Sodium Carbonate, Surfactants, Preservatives and Fragrances.

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Definition: Spot stain removers are used to treat a small stained area on washable fabrics. Some stain removers are formulated for specific types of stains like oils and greases, proteins, etc. There are also spot stain removers available for treating specific stains. Clothing treated with spot stain removers will need to be washed. See the directions to know how soon treated clothing will need to be laundered.

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