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Q: What is the age of lincoLn when he became president?
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Lincoln's age when he became president?


Who became president Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln became President Lincoln.

At what age did Abraham Lincoln become president?

Answer:Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809 was 52 years of age when he became president, on March 4, 1861Abe was born to Nancy and Thomas Lincoln

What vice president of Lincoln became president?

Andrew Johnson became the president when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Who was after president Abraham Lincoln?

Andrew Jackson became president after Abe Lincoln.

Did Lincoln have a vice president that went on to be president?

Hannibal Hamlin did not become a President, but Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's 2nd Vice President, became the President when Lincoln was assassinated.

What was Abraham Lincoln's profession while he became president?

Lincoln was a successful lawyer in the years just before he became President.

Who lived longer President Lincoln or President Kennedy?

Lincoln. Lincoln was killed at age 56 and Kennedy was killed at age 46.

What can be said about the qualifications of Abraham Lincoln to be the US President?

Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer who became a state legislator, then a Congressman before he became President.

What age was Andrew Johnson when he was elected President?

Andrew Johnson was never elected President. He was elected Vice-President under Abraham Lincoln, and ascended to the presidency due to Lincoln's assassination in April 1865. He was 56 years old when he became US President.

Why did Andrew Johnson become the president?

Johnson was vice-president under Lincoln. After Lincoln was killed, Johnson became president.

What age was Lincoln a lawyer?

Abraham Lincoln became a lawyer in 1837 at the age of 28.