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3mo ago

The charge on an ion formed by a sodium atom is +1. Sodium readily loses one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, resulting in a positively charged ion.

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Q: What is the charge on an ion formed by a sodium atom?
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What is the ion formed by a sodium atom called?

The ion formed by a sodium atom is called a sodium ion, which has a +1 charge. It is represented as Na+.

What is the charge of ions formed from the atom of sodium?

Ions formed from sodium atoms have a charge of +1. Sodium easily loses one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, resulting in a sodium ion with a +1 charge.

A sodium ion differs from a sodium atom in that the sodium ion?

A sodium ion differs from a sodium atom in that the sodium ion has a missing electron electron. It has a positive charge, as opposed to the atom, which is neutral.

What charge will the ion formed by sodium?

+1 Na+ ion is formed

Difference between sodium atom and sodium ion?

While a sodium ion and neon atom both have 10 electrons they are of different elements as a neon atom has 10 protons while sodium has 11. As a result the neon atom is neutral while the sodium ion carries a positive charge. So neon can exist on its own as a gas while sodium ion needs a negative ion to balance its charge and form an ionic solid.

How does sodium atom form an ion?

A sodium atom becomes a sodium ion, when a neutron is added to the nucleus.

What net charge does a sodium atom have?

A sodium atom has a net charge of +1, as it has one less electron than protons in its nucleus.

What is the total charge of electrons in a sodium ion?

A sodium atom has 11 electrons so the total charge of all the electrons in a sodium ion is -10.

What is the name of the ion formed by a calcium atom?

The ion formed by a calcium atom is called a calcium ion, which has a 2+ charge.

Is an oxidation number the same as the type of ion formed?

No, an oxidation number is the charge assigned to an atom in a compound or ion based on the distribution of electrons. It may or may not match the charge of the ion formed by the atom. The type of ion formed depends on the number of electrons gained or lost by the atom.

Which is larger a sodium atom or sodium ion with a plus 1 charge?

A sodium atom is larger than a sodium ion with a +1 charge. When a sodium atom loses an electron to form a sodium ion with a +1 charge, it loses an electron shell which results in a smaller size compared to the neutral sodium atom.

The ion formed by a fluorine atom is called a?

The ion formed by a fluorine atom is called a fluoride ion, which has a charge of -1. It is formed when a fluorine atom gains an electron to achieve a full outer electron shell.