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Hi There, I am wondering the answer to the same thing. I have just experienced some spotting and on the first 2 days it was a brownish red hardly enough to be classified as menses but on the third day when I wiped it was a red colour but when dried it looked reddish brown, however I do think it is implanation as my period was not due for 5 days when the spotting started. It doesn't make sense for the period to reduce to 22 day cycle when it was 27. The only possibility of this could be the herbal supplements I am on being too effective and reducing my cycle length. What other symptoms do you have? When did the bleeding start? implantation usually occurs after about a week of ovulation...

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Implantation bleeding is usually discharge tinged with blood or pinkish in colour. Some women also experience brown bleeding during implantation.

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Related questions

What color is implantation during pregnancy?

red/brown/pink its a tiny weeny bit of blood mine was in my discharge

Can you have implantation blood and not be pregnant?

If you have implantation bleeding then yes you are pregnant.

Does there have to be implantation blood present to be pregnant?

No. Not everyone experiences implantation bleeding.

Is it normal to get blood clots during implantation bleeding?

No. Usually implantation bleeding is a bright red to brown drops of blood. No clots.

Is implantation bleeding supposed to be brown or pinkish to light red?


What does implantation of the egg mean?

Implantation means that the egg inbeds itself into the blood lining of the uterus.

How much blood and how red is implantation blood and how soon does it happen then after implantation is it normal to experience some bearable pain?

Only approximately 1 in 3 women experience "implantation bleeding", which is no more than light spotting. There should be no pain involved since the implantation of the fertilized egg is in the accumulated blood lining in the uterus which has no nerves.

What color is implantation bleeding or spotting?

Answer The colour can be red/pink/brown and it can be a spot or blood in discharge really. It can be stringy or thick. Hope I help Pink Princess

What about implantation bleeding?

Hello. Implantation bleeding is not experienced by all women. It is not as common as many would think. Here is the facts about Implantation bleeding. * Implantation bleeding occurs 6-14 days after conception has taken place. * Implantation bleeding feels like period cramping when its experienced along with the bleeding. * Implantation bleeding is light bleeding, spotting of blood in underwear, streaks of blood on tissue paper or a blood coloured discharge in your underwear. * Implantation bleeding lasts for a few hours to 2/3 days. It rarely lasts over 4 days. * Implantation bleeding can also be spotting of brown blood which is known as old blood. I hope the above has helped you. Please recommend me if I have helped you. Good luck.

Can implantation bleeding be a dark red color?


Can implantation blood be red?

yes, It can be red or brown.

Could brownish discharge for 4 days and one spot of blood be implantation?

Yes; it could be implantation bleeding. Do a test.