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Q: What is the correct spelling for slave catchers in the south?
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What were slaves lives outside of working on the plantations?

In the south there were no "free" slaves. Only the northern states had free blacks living. The slaves in the south had to have passes to leave the plantation and anyone who was black was a slave. If they were stopped by a white southerner they could be questioned, beaten, killed, and taken back to their owners. Those who escaped to the north had to be careful because the "free slave act" stated that any slave that was out could be considered a runaway slave. The slave catchers would go north and kidnap free blacks, chain them, and take them south as escaped slaves. One of the most famous cases of this was Northrup a free man who was taken against his will and it took him 25 years before he was able to return home. The slave catchers didn't care because they were paid for each black they returned south and as far as they were concerned there were no free blacks north or south.

How did the comprimise of 1850' start the civil war?

To get the South to agree to admit California to the Union as free soil, Congress had to make a gesture of appeasement. This was the Fugitive Slave Act, a deliberately macho threat to employ official slave-catchers to hunt down runaways, and prosecute members of the public who did not report suspected fugitives. This provoked a huge reaction in the North, recruiting many more people to the cause of Abolitionism. Harriet Beecher Stowe was so angry that she wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' on the theme of runaways and slave-catchers. This greatly raised the temperature of the debate and brought the nation closer to war.

Was slave labor north or south?


How was being a slave in the north different from being a slave in the south?

Slaves were only in the south. None in the north.

How did the Compromise of 1850 resolve the differences between the north and the south?

It didn't. The problem was that it was getting more difficult to create new slave-states, so most of the new territories were probably going to become free states of the USA. To stop the South from breaking away, Congress had to make a big gesture of appeasement. So they settled for a heavy crackdown on runaways - the Fugitive Slave Act. This backfired badly. Northern citizens strongly resented being treated as unpaid slave-catchers, and 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written as a protest against the Act. The Compromise of 1850 certainly didn't resolve the differences between North and South.

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Why was congress able to pass the compromise of 1850?

Because the South reluctantly agreed to it, having been offered inducements, including the Fugitive Slave Act, allowing official slave-catchers to hunt down runaways.

What did the South gain in the Compromise of 1850 in return for agreeing to let California join the Union as a free state?

The chance for a couple more slave-states, and a tighter enforcement of the Fugutive Slave Act, with official slave-catchers employed to hunt down runaways.

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Rustenburg is the correct spelling for the South African city.

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had a party [NEW RESPONDENT] Had to organise the Compromise of 1850, to appease the South. The result was the Fugitive Slave Act, which greatly offended the Northern public, as it turned them into unpaid slave-catchers.

What were slaves lives outside of working on the plantations?

In the south there were no "free" slaves. Only the northern states had free blacks living. The slaves in the south had to have passes to leave the plantation and anyone who was black was a slave. If they were stopped by a white southerner they could be questioned, beaten, killed, and taken back to their owners. Those who escaped to the north had to be careful because the "free slave act" stated that any slave that was out could be considered a runaway slave. The slave catchers would go north and kidnap free blacks, chain them, and take them south as escaped slaves. One of the most famous cases of this was Northrup a free man who was taken against his will and it took him 25 years before he was able to return home. The slave catchers didn't care because they were paid for each black they returned south and as far as they were concerned there were no free blacks north or south.

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The correct spelling of the proper noun is Argentina (a South American country).

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That is the correct spelling of the proper noun Lesotho, a country in South Africa.

What was the key idea of the compromise of 1850?

To get California admitted to the Union as free soil. This meant offering the South some concessions, like the Fugitive Slave Act (appointing official slave-catchers), which inflamed the Abolitionist lobby and brought it many new recruits.

How do you spell Antarctica and aulsterlia?

The spelling of Antarctica (South Pole continent) is correct. The spelling of the island continent in the southwest Pacific Ocean is Australia.

How fugitive slave law contributed to the tension between the north and the south?

It offended many law-abiding Northern citizens who objected to being turned into unpaid slave-catchers, and threatened with $1000 fine if they failed to report anyone who looked like a runaway slave. Meanwhile it pleased the South, by appearing to confirm the legitimacy of slavery. Thus it drove the two sides further apart.

How did the north and south saw the fugitive slave law?

The South saw it as a welcome confirmation of the right to own slaves. The North strongly resented being treated like unpaid slave-catchers, and started the Underground Railroad as a response. Harriet Beecher Stowe was so angry, she wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' as a protest.