

Best Answer

The protestant church was more for the boys to learn about their type of religion than thre girls


What began as a protest to certain abuses prevalent in Church practice turned into a full blown revolution and a complete redevelopment of doctrine. As with most revolutions, there was no stability in leadership, doctrine or practice and to this day Protestantism continues to divide within itself. There were, however, several main tenants to Protestantism that separated it from Catholicism. These were:

Sola Scriptura - "By Scriptura Alone" meaning that The Bible alone would be consulted in matters of revelation and not Church Tradition which Luther rejected as man-made, and could be susceptible to error, unlike the sacred scriptures.
Sola Fide - "By Faith Alone" emphasis on good works and sacraments was removed, instead, pure Faith in Christ was deemed sufficient to save the soul.
Soli Gratia - "By Grace Alone" Luther taught that grace could never be merited, hence the vanity of works. Grace was a free gift bestowed by God on Whom He willed. Technically, the Catholic doctrine is identical, that grace is a free gift of God, though Luther made it clear that good acts could never move God to send grace. The Catholic teaching also states that 'Grace alone' is not sufficient for salvation - hence the emphasis on Faith manifested through action. The Catholic Church also teaches that the Christian must be an active member of the Catholic Church to be saved. This thus voids the 'sola' part of sola gratia.
Solus Christus - "By Christ Alone" meaning that Christ is the mediator between God and men and no one else. This swept away the idea of praying to saints for their intercession to God as well as the need for the priesthood, in terms of the priest interceding on behalf of the people, who themselves had direct and free access to God.
Soli Deo Gloria - "Glory to God Alone" the idea that all glory belongs to God. Even the saved should not be gloried in, as all belongs to God.

Most Protestant bodies adhere to the majority or a slightly modified belief in the articles above. The one thing that seems easiest to find across the board throughout Protestant denominations is their rejection of the Catholic hierarchy, especially the pope, and their belief in private interpretation of the Bible as well as the Bible as the sole source of Divine Revelation. Catholics believe in an institutional Church that has a hierarchy set up by Christ. In addition to the Bible, they believe there were some teachings of Christ that were not set down in words and which remain orally transmitted or recorded in other books, such as the writings of the Church Fathers. Further, Catholics believe that private interpretation is an imprecise science that lends to fragmentation, such as among the Protestants, thus they have always held, ever since the Bible was created, that the Church is the correct and proper interpreter of the Bible - seeing as the Church compiled, published and declared the Bible inspired - and should be followed over one's own interpretation.

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13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic "religion" was started by God: by Jesus coming to earth and fulfilling Judaism and sending His apostles out to preach and baptise the world, and sending the Holy Spirit to guide them and remain with them until the end of the world. The protestant religion was started by men, sixteen centuries after Jesus left the world, in protest against His teachings as given by His Church. Catholicism teaches a humility to God in which men accept His teachings and try to live out their lives in service to their neighbor. Protestants try to figure out by their own lights how they should serve God, thus there is no way to answer your question, as of 2011 there are over 3,000 different protestant religions. The only thing that can be said about them, in common, is that they are each unique to what the individual who thought them up, thought. Jesus guaranteed that His Church would be ONE, holy, and apostolic - a description of the Catholic Church. Protestant answer:Protestantism started as a reaction to corruption in the Church. That's what was being "protested"... not the teachings of God, but the corrupted version of those teachings. The Catholic church itself later corrected some (though not all) of the issues pointed out by the original Protestants, in what's referred to as the Counter-Reformation.

Different people objected to different specific practices, and so there are a number of Protestant sects, some of which later themselves split over internal differences of opinion. So really, the only "difference" we can state with certainty is that any given Protestant sect believes the Roman Catholic church is doing something wrong. Exactly how many somethings there are, and what precisely they are, differs from sect to sect.

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A Catholic answer There are many different Protestant denominations, differing among themselves in theology and practices. One belief all Christian denominations hold in common - Protestant as well as Catholic - is that Jesus of Nazareth was and is God made man, the Word made flesh, who came to dwell among us, that He was sent to this Earth to save mankind from sin and death, and that by His life, death, and resurrection those who believe in Him may have eternal life. The Catholic Church acknowledges the Bishop of Rome - the Pope - as the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth, believing his official pronouncements on matters of faith and morals to be, by a special gift of God's grace, without error. Protestants, however, do not regard the Pope as playing any special role in Christianity - indeed, many object to his role. The Catholic Church administers seven Sacraments - Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick, of which the Eucharist, the Church believes becomes for us the actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ present right here, right now, though under appearance of bread and wine. Protestant denominations believe Jesus is symbolized and commemorated in the Eucharist, and in the gathering of believers, but not truly present in the bread and wine tself. Protestant denominations don't believe in seven sacraments, but three or four, in most cases. In addition to Jesus Christ the Lord as our Savior and Redeemer, the Catholic Church acknowledges His mother, Mary, as our mother - not divine, but human and a creature like ourselves, and like ourselves in need of salvation by Jesus - but because of her special role in Jesus' life and work during her lifetime here on Earth, has been given by God a special place in Heaven where we on Earth honor her as our mother and our friend. Protestant denominations tend not to emphasize Mary's role in the history of salvation or in our own spiritual lives at all.

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