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Basic Beliefs



Basic Beliefs


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Missing data for existence of deity

Principio del formulario

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Missing data for existence of deity

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Number Of Deities

Principio del formulario

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Principio del formulario

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Nature Of Deity


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Principio del formulario

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Principio del formulario

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Principio del formulario

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Human Nature


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Principio del formulario

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Human Problem

Humans are part of the natural realm, which is sacred. Pollution does occur through normal acts such as contact with things that threaten life, for example: death, blood, or disease.

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Humans have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. They must now live in a flawed and often cruel world.

Principio del formulario

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Path To Salvation

There is an old saying in Japan: ""born Shinto, die Buddhist."" Before Buddhism, and death and salvation in the afterlife came to be regarded as Buddhist matters.

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Principio del formulario

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The concept that God or other Higher Power, as part of Divine Providence, saves humanity from spiritual death or Eternal Damnation by providing for them an eternal life (cf. afterlife).

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Principio del formulario

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Primary Sacred Text


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The Bible

Principio del formulario

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Basic Beliefs



Basic Beliefs


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario



Missing data for existence of deity

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Missing data for existence of deity

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Number Of Deities

Principio del formulario

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Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Nature Of Deity


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario



Principio del formulario

Final del formulario


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Human Nature


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Human Problem

Humans are part of the natural realm, which is sacred. Pollution does occur through normal acts such as contact with things that threaten life, for example: death, blood, or disease.

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Humans have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. They must now live in a flawed and often cruel world.

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Path To Salvation

There is an old saying in Japan: ""born Shinto, die Buddhist."" Before Buddhism, and death and salvation in the afterlife came to be regarded as Buddhist matters.

(wrong info?)

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

The concept that God or other Higher Power, as part of Divine Providence, saves humanity from spiritual death or Eternal Damnation by providing for them an eternal life (cf. afterlife).

(wrong info?)

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

Primary Sacred Text


Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

The Bible

Principio del formulario

Final del formulario

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Q: What is the difference between Catholicism and Shintoism?
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Is there a difference between Catholicism and Roman Catholic?

They are one and the same.

What are the difference between Catholic and taoism?

Taoism is a natural philosophy, Catholicism is a revealed religion.

Is there a difference between Catholicism in the UK and the US because in the UK Catholicism is a form of Christianity but in the USA they appear to be different?

No, there is not a difference between Catholicism in the United States or Great Britain - except for the funny accent; as we are members of One, Holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church. We use the same Missal, Church calendar, and rubrics. And Catholicism is the "original" form of Christianity; as opposed to the myriad of "Flavors" offered today.

What is the difference between Catholicism and Islam?

The primary difference is the belief and respect for One God(Allah) vs. The trinity. Please see the Related Question below on the differences between Christianity in general and Islam. Most of those differences also apply to Catholicism and Islam.

What religion is not commonly found in eastern Europe?

Some examples would be Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, as well as some branches of Christianity, such as Catholicism which is not dominant in the area.

What are some of the differences in beliefs between Mormonism and Catholicism?

One difference between Mormonism and Catholicism is that while Catholicism only has one sacred text, The Bible, Mormonism has a few including; The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pear of Great Price. Another difference is that Mormons believe that The Holy Trinity are three distinct beings while Catholics believe that they are one.

What is The difference between the shintoism titles okami and ômikami?

Okami in English translates to - Wolf God. Omikami is the name of Amaterasu and her full name is - Amaterasu Omikami. Not much of a difference but Kami is the Japanese word for God.

What are the most important differences between Catholicism and Protestantism?

The most important difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, although there are many, is the fact that Protestantism does not believe that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, but believes it is only a remembrance.

What is the difference between Christianity and cathlism?

Catholicism (please note spelling) is just one branch of many within Christianity.

What is similar between Catholicism and Catholic?

A Catholic is one who practices Catholicism.

Who founded shintoism?

There is no founder for Shintoism

What are followers of Shintoism called?

Shintoism, Shinto