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a horse is a mammal which is habibitable on only land and is native to Europe and Asia. a gecko is a reptilian and lives on both land and water and breaths air. you must be 5 to not know that

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Q: What is the difference between a horse and a Gecko?
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fat tail leopard geckos tail are much larger than normal leopard gecko tails.The markings are different leopard geckos have a different personality

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Yes. They are two different species.

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Tree is tree and horse is horse.And horse is sick and tree is not.

What is the difference between and white and black horn on a horse?

The Color

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A horse is a quadrupedal mammal while a Kangaroo is typically a bipedal marsupial.

What is the difference between 10 percent and 12 percent horse feed?

They are the percentage of protein in the horse feed.