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I found the best answers for questions regarding medication differences were found in asking a local pharmacist. They are required to know more regarding the interaction and composition of medications with the body than doctors. Remember, generally speaking, doctors PRACTICE medicine. For specific comparison, you might want to check out It seems to answer the exact question you are asking. As I understand it, one reduces the production, while the other inhibits the re-absorbtion of seratonin. Seratonin controls appetite, energy and mood. There is an extensive debate regarding the pros and cons of both levels of the inhibitors. Obviously, because I am not a physcian, I could not provide specific information, but another great source is the Prescription Drug Reference found at most book stores for about $8.00- it gives a more simple explaination of medications, there use and side effects. Hope this helps. SSRI's deal with serotonin; SNRI's deal with serotonin and norepinephrine. A psychiatrist or pharmacist can help tremendously to answer this question about the differences.

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Each has different chemical structure.

One might work in a person that an other SSRIs won't or work better or worse, or may work good on depression and not-so-good in anxiety.

The same applies to the side effects. Some have more some have less, some may manifest one side effect that one other won't, but there are certain side effects that occur more in some and less in others. For example sexual dysfunction is more common in Paroxetine (Seroxat/Paxil) and Fluoxetine (Prozac). Weight gain is less common in latter. Escitalopram (Cirpalex/Lexapro) and citalopram (Celexa) are usually better tolerated, at least in comparison to Paroxetine.

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Q: What is the difference between an ssri and an snri?
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