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Propane gas fire is a common way of cremation in the UNited States. Other types of gasses may also be used, however, propane is the less expensive and safest.

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Q: What is the fire used to cremate corpses?
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What happend to the people when they died in Auschwitz?

they stopped being people and became corpses. Initially corpses were buried, but when the volume of corpes proved to be greater than initially expected the decision was made to cremate all of the corpses.

What are crematories?

A crematory is a special furnace that cremates (burns) corpses to fine ash. In British English the word used is crematoria - singular: crematorium). It's a place where they cremate people. To cremate means to burn, and this is what some people do with the dead rather than burying them so that they can keep the ashes, or keep a "part" of the dead person.

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Pyres are piles of dry wood or other combustible materials, often used in the funeral rites of some cultures to cremate corpses .

Do Sikhs cremate or bury?

Sikhs only cremate.

Were Jews put in cremation ovens alive to be killed?

There were first gassed.There is general agreement that the victims were gassed first and their corpses were cremated. That said, it is possible that some victims were burnt alive.

What did the Nazi use crematoriums for?

A crematorium (also known as "crematory" or "cremator") is a facility where a corpse get burned at extremely high temperatures (870 - 980 degrees Celsius) until only bones and several chemical compounds remain.

Why did Nazis cremate the bodies of the Jewish victims?

The Nazis found that it was the easiest way of disposing of the corpses of their victims.

Can you cremate a pet lizard?

Absolutely. Just take the body to any veterinary surgery - and ask them to cremate it for you.

Was there a crematorium at Auschwitz?

Suprisingly yes, 7,000 people was liberated from Auschwitz including 3 main camps and sub camps. ___ No, generally the victims were killed first. That was what the gas chambers were for.

Why did cases of the plague decrease in 1666?

One factor may be the great fire of London which burned for 3 days and destroyed huge swathes of the city. It killed many of the plague infested rats and fleas and following the destruction of so much housing people were encouraged to leave the city so it temporarily became less overcrowded. The number of deaths resulting from the fire has often been said to be remarkably low, in single figures. However, the fate of the poor was not recorded and the fire burned hot enough to cremate its own corpses so the real figure is probably in the hundreds, maybe thousands.

What does Korea do with their decease?

bury or cremate them

What temperature is needed to cremate a body?

The temperature used to cremate human bodies depends on the machine used and the manufacturer building it. Usually the machines operate between 1,500 and 1,900 degrees F.