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The factoryase {extra large enzyme} Helicase unwinds and separates the two DNA strands.

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Q: What is the first step in DNA synthesis?
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What is the purpose of transcription. -APEXA. It is the last step in protein synthesis.B. It is the first step in protein synthesis.C. It is the first step in DNA synthesis.D. It is the last step in DNA synthesis?

I have no idea

What does the synthesis of a new strand of DNA begin?

Following the initiation of DNA replication, the first step is the synthesis of a short RNA primer.

In eukaryotic cells the first step in protein synthesis is the?

transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA

Where is the first step of protein synthesis occur?

on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell

What is the fourth step during the multiplication of retrovirus?

Synthesis of double-stranded DNA

Another term for DNA synthesis?

DNA synthesis is also known as DNA replication.

The direction of synthesis of an RNA transcript is?

transcription:"the first step in protein synthesis, a sequence of nucleotide bases becomes exposed in an unwound region of a DNA strand. That sequence acts as a template upon which a single strand of RNA - a transcript - is synthesized from free nucleotides."The synthesis of an RNA molecule from the DNA template strand is called transcription.

Why is DNA synthesis needed in the cell cycle?

In order to give all of the daughter cells genetic material, the DNA must first be copied. Therefore DNA synthesis is essential for creating new cells.

What is a following reactions that is used to radioactively label DNA?

Synthesis of new DNA.

What is the first step in replication?

The first step to identifying DNA is to Determine the cell

What is the region of DNA where RNA synthesis begins called?

The region of DNA where RNA synthesis begins is the promoter. DNA contains a number of upstream regulatory and promoter sequences but the region of DNA where RNA synthesis begins is the start codon. This is the first codon that translates into an RNA nucleotide.

What is the multi step process that includes the linking of amino acids the transcription of DNA into mRNA and translation called?

protein synthesis