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As with all spiritual paths, pagan weddings (sometimes known as hand-fastings) can take any number of forms. I will give you a broad view of one held recently.
For a pagan (and pagan friendly) only hand-fasting:
The sacred space is cleansed. The witnesses (friends, family and members of the couple's group) are invited into the Circle and blessed (anointed) by the High Priestess and the High Priest. Once everyone is in place, the couple enter and are blessed by the High Priest and High Priestess. The Circle is cast, the Elements are called, the Deities are invited and the couple are called forward. A brief prelude is spoken by the High Priest. The couple exchange vows and rings the High Priestess lightly binds the couples' hands together, raises Power and Blesses the union. She then leads them around the Circle and presents them to the Elements. They all return to the Altar where they are presented to the Deities and then to the group attending. The small feast is celebrated, gratitude is expressed to the Deities, the Elements are thanked and dismissed, the Power is grounded and the Circle is opened. Everyone progresses to the reception.
For a ceremony including people of other paths who may or may not know or understand our ways:
Seats are set up as with most weddings. Once the witnesses are seated the High Priest, High Priestess and those calling the Elements (often the bridal party) walk down the aisle, and take up their places. The couple then join them. The rest is about the same as with the afore mentioned with the exception that the witnesses are outside of the sacred space. In some cases, at the request of the couple a Circle is not cast. However, generally, if both halves of the couple are pagan they will prefer to be joined within a Circle.

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Pagan weddings are Handfasting ceremonies. A ribbon can be used. The ring is not the significant element here, though rings could also be exchanged.

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