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There is no indirect object in the sentence, "Your friend tossed the ball to you."

  • the noun 'ball' is the direct object of the verb 'tossed'
  • The pronoun 'you' is the object of the preposition 'to'

If the sentence were written, "Your friend tossed you the ball.", the pronoun 'you' is the indirect object of the verb 'tossed'. The noun 'ball' is still the direct object of the verb 'tossed'.

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Q: What is the indirect object your friend tossed the ball to you?
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Is threw the ball an indirect or direct object?

indirect object

Whats the difference between indirect objects and direct objects?

A direct object receives the action of the verb, and an indirect object receives the direct object. Example: Maria kicked Jim the ball. "Ball" is receiving the action, "kicked". It is getting "kicked", so it is the direct object. "Jim" is receiving the "ball"- so "Jim" is the indirect object.

What does indirect mean in language arts?

The indirect object is often used right before a direct object and doesnot follow a preposition, as illustrated in the phrases above. If a preposition is used, then the word becomes the object of that preposition, as in the following, where to and for are prepositions and man and yourself are their objects: I throw the ball to you. Ball is the direct object and you is the indirect object because ball rephrase what you throw and you rephrase throw to whom?

How do you use playmates for the indirect object sentence?

I gave the ball to my playmates.

Can an indirect object be a direct object?

no an indirect obj must come between the subject and direct objFrom Kenwg:Actually, the direct object usually comes between the subject and the indirect object.Consider: "He gave the ball to us"He = subjectgave = verbthe ball = direct objectto = prepositionus = indirect object pronoun.Of course, you could say "He gave us the ball", in which case the positions of the direct and indirect objects are indeed reversed - "us", the indirect object, is between the subject and the direct object. But it is not correct to say the either "must" come in one position or the other.In Kenwg's first example, "to us" is a prepositional phrase, and "us" is a prepositional object rather than an indirect object.To the original questioner, I'm not sure. The best I can come up with off the top of my head is something like "John showed Dick[IO] Dick[DO].", where John might be holding a mirror up; but that has both objects being the same fellow. I don't believe an indirect object can actually be a direct object—not without being specified separately.See also Russell's paradox.The indirect object always goes before the direct object. The order shows which is the direct or indirect.The indirect object can be changed into a phrase beginning to or for .

What is the predicate in Jason threw Antonio the ball?

Ball is the direct object. Identify the verb and ask who or what. Threw is the verb. Jason didn't throw Antonio, he threw the ball. Antonio is the indirect object.

What is the indirect object of a sentence?

The indirect object is the thing/ person to or for whom the action is done, eg "Jim threw the ball to Sally." "Jim threw Sally the ball." Sally is the indirect object. in the first one "Jim threw the ball to Sally." the ball is the id because its the one being thrown if im wrong though let me know.

Examples of indirect objects and direct objects?

The boy kicked the ball. The boy is the subject, kicked is the verb and the ball is the direct object We drank water. We is the subject, drank is the verb and water the direct object. They sent him a letter. This is really They sent a letter to him. They is the subject, sent the verb and a letter is the direct object. to him is the indirect object.

What is the difference between direct and indirect object?

The direct object takes the action of the verb. The indirect object is something or someone toward whom or for whom the action is taken.If you are using prepositions, you might say "He threw the ball to Sam." The ball was thrown, not Sam. The ball took the action--hit--of the verb. Sam was the recipient of the ball.She gave the gift to him. The gift was given. The gift took the action of the verb--to give. He got not the action, but the gift itself.So, if you take out the prepositional phrases in the above examples you could just say "He threw Sam the ball." It still should be clear that the ball is the direct object of the verb and that Sam is the indirect object. The indirect object does not use a preposition.She gave him the gift. Still again, the gift took the action, right? He took the gift.

what does a ball a coin and a salad have in common?

A ball, a coin, and a salad are all things that can be tossed. A ball can be tossed in a game of catch or basketball, a coin can be tossed to make a decision, and a salad can be tossed with dressing to mix the ingredients together evenly.

What is ball not tossed in volleyball?


How is a basket ball game started?

the ball is tossed into the air