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The interior texture of cake is called the crumb. Cake crumb should be tender and break apart easily, compared to bread which should be chewy and elastic.

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Q: What is the interior texture of a cake called?
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The Egg is a cake ingredient because it gives it a nice texture. I think that that is silly too, but without it, cake has no texture!!

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Texture is a term with which many interior or photographic designers are familiar. By definition, texture is "the properties held and sensations caused by the external surface of objects received through the sense of touch."

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What is cake texture should be?

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A substitute for cake emulsifier is lecithin. Its a natural emulsifier than can improve the overall texture of all kinds of baked goods including cake.

Can you substitute cake meal for cake flour?

No, cake flour is much finer, giving cakes light texture. You would be better of substituting regular all purpose flour

What are the similarities of a butter cake and a sponge cake?

The major difference between a sponge cake and a butter cake is that a sponge cake has no fat in it, should be light in texture. A sponge cake not stored correctly will go dry quickly. A cake with butter in is a firmer moist cake which should keep longer.

Can butter be substituted for vegetable oil in cake?

Yes, the two are interchangeable. However, oil usually results in a moister texture to the finished cake.

What does adding molasses do to a cake?

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Is homophony called chordal texture?

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