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Q: What is the key behind civil rights protection?
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What key pieces of legislation did Lyndon B. Johnson get passed in the country?

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What were the key elements of civil rights act of 1964?

women's right to vote in federal elections

What were the key social issues that continued to divide the nation and Texas after the civil war?

States Rights!

What are the key points of the European Convention on Human Rights?

The European convention on human rights is an international treaty to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe. It was signed in 1950, and effective from 1953.

What are the key elements of the civil rights act of 1957?

The 1957 Civil Rights Act was one of the first pieces of civil rights legislation signed in the United States under President Eisenhower. The goal of this act was to allow and ensure the voting rights of all American citizens. The passing of the 1957 Civil Rights Act put an end to the many discriminatory practices taking place during voter registration.

Why was Rosa Parks awarded?

Because she played a key role in the civil rights movement and went to jail for what she believed

Why did Malcolm X want to become apart of the civil rights movement?

To show that violence is the key to end racism

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civil service key answer 2009 ?

Was the Civil War a political battle?

{| |- | The Civil War was fought primarily over political positions. One of the positions was the one that dealt with slavery. Another key point was over the rights of the states. |}

What are the key ideals behind Libertarianism?

The key ideals behind libertarianism are individual liberty, limited government intervention, and free markets. Libertarians believe in maximizing personal freedom and minimizing the role of the state in people's lives and in the economy. They value individual autonomy and emphasize voluntary exchange and property rights as the foundation for a prosperous society.

What key principle of the teaching of the Nation of Islam was the opposite of the goal of civil rights movement in the south?

The Nation of Islam believed in separation of the races. -NovaNET