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Nike, one of most respect brand in footwear industry through the world. It reaches to maximum no. of people through strong brand endorsement.

Lets check 4 p's of marketing:

Product: It have all range of products from kids, gals, mens, walker shoes, etc. Initially they faced problem as they were targeting only sports persons, however very soon revised their strategy as they observed Indian more to wear Sports shoes when they wear causals (Jeans, etc.) other than sports

Promotion: During event such as school opening time, holdings, events, etc. Their main promotion strategy for any particular country is to endorse their brand with very strong brand personality like Tiger Woods, etc.

Price: They are positioning themselves in terms of quality, technology, etc. so definitely will charge premium charges.

Place: Previous it is observed that nike as other company were selling footware through channel partners. We usually purchase shoes from shop when it is need. However looking growth of India retail industry, they try to reach 'n' no. of consumers to know their needs betters, and develop their product accordingly. At the same time they can increase their prospect and real customer by making them FEEL --> DP ---> LEARN buying behaviour.

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Yogesh Agrawal

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