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The red color is said to symbolize bravery and patriotism.

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Q: What is the meaning of the red color in the Philippine flag?
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What is the meaning of red in the Philippine flag?

War, Patriotism ,defense & courage.

What does Red flag over white at night mean?

This flag and color combination has no popular meaning.

What is the meaning of the blue colour in the Philippine flag?

The white in the flag symbolizes fraternity and eequality. The blue stands for peace, truth, and justice and the red stands for patriotism and valor. The yellow suns symbolize unity, freedom, sovereigntyÊand democracy.

What does the color blue in the Philippine flag mean?

The blue is for noble ideals. The red, by the way, is for courage and bravery, and the white is for peace and purity.

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The Congo flag is yellow, blue, red in color and has a stripe and star. The yellow color means wealth, red stands for the blood shed by the country's martyrs, and the star is for the future.

What are the colors of the Philippine flag?

blue, red, yellow

What is the symbolize of the color of flag of the Philippines?

The colors of the Philippine flag symbolize peace, truth, and justice. The blue symbolizes peace and truth, while the red represents patriotism and valor.

What is the meaning of the red color of the Switzerland flag?

Red: Hardiness, Bravery, Strength, and Valor. White: Peace and Honesty

The red in the Philippine flag stands for?

The red in the Philippine flag symbolizes bravery and patriotism. It represents the sacrifices of the country's heroes and the blood shed during the struggle for independence.

What is the main colors of Spain?

Spain main and representative colors are those of its flag: Yellow and red. Their colors' meaning are supposed to be: The yellow color, generosity; and the red color, strength and bravery.

What color does the flag end with?

the color that end on the flag is red

What does the color red represent on the Saskatchewan flag?

blood, the color red on the saskatchewan flag means blood