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Q: What is the meaning of the word optimus?
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yes,Optimus Prime actually loves Elita & Arcee but the hero (meaning Optimus ) didn't show it out (meaning nobody knows) cause he's a little shame about it.funny right?

Is the word optmistic a latin word?

Yes, the word optimus is the superlative form of bonus, which means good, so optimus obviously means best.

What is the meaning of best in Latin language?

Optimus (-a, -um).

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What is the word for best in latin?

Optimus, -a, -um.

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What does the word optimus mean?

Optimus means good, in fact better than good. It means the best (or the most).

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Optimus prime got his rear kicked

Order of how stronger eergon optimus prime is?

optimus prime (weakest) super optimus prime power links optimus prime flight mode optimus prime fight mode optimus prime super powerlinks optimus prime omega optimus prime supream omega senenel optimus prime super omega optimus supream wing omega supream optimus prime super omega senenal optimus prime omega wing sentenell optimus prime super omega wing optimus prime super omega sentenell wing optimus prime optimus supream finle impact ultimtae optimus supream ultimtae optimus supream finle impact (strongest)

What is the latin word for ultimate?

It actually depends on how you use it. If you are saying, for example, "this is the best gift", then you would use , "optimum". Use the translation, "optimum", when speaking about an object. When speaking about a masculine word, such as "father", "brother", "man", then you would use the translation, "optimus". When using a feminine word such as, "mother", "sister", or "woman", then use the translation, "optima". So it would be, "optima mater", which is translated as "best mother" I hope this helped!

Could Bumblebee Defeat Optimus Prime?

No Optimus is a prime and Bumblebee is not Optimus is also at east twice astall as Bumblebee so no Optimus would win