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O peso molecular da α-amilase varia de 10 a 210 KDa, dependendo da sua

origem. As α-amilases microbianas apresentam peso molecular entre 50 e 60 KDa

(GUPTA et al, 2003), sendo que as α-amilases bacterianas apresentam variação de

28 a 78 KDa e as α-amilases fúngicas (41 a 69 KDa) de acordo com os resultados

de diferentes autores citados por PANDEY et al (2005).

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Alpha bonds are hydrolised by alpha amylase. The alpha amylase is the sole form of amylase found in all mammals.

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Amylase is an enzyme that induces hydrolysis of starches, breaking them down into sugar. Saliva alpha amylase is simply a type of amylase.

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Amylase is an enzyme which is chemically proteins. The function is to catalyses the conversion of starch in to sugars. There are different kind of amylases such as alpha-, beta amylase exist.

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Amylase helps the body digesting starch. Different types of amylase (alpha, beta...) can split different types of starch into sugar units.

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The optimum pH is neutral, 7.

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Amylase helps the body digesting starch. Different types of amylase (alpha, beta...) can split different types of starch into sugar units.

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