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Q: What is the name of the organization created to return Arabs to areas claimed by Israel?
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How did Zionism lead to the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948?

it developed a movement of return to the homeland among the Jews in the diaspora. groups were formed that later turned into parties. a vacuum as created by the departure of the british, it was the right moment to seize and the state of israel was created.

What lands did israel return in a 1979 peace treaty?

your mom's puswagon

How were the Jews in Babylon set free?

King Cyrus announced that they were free to return to Israel (Judea).

When was The Return to Form Black Magick Party created?

The Return to Form Black Magick Party was created in 2006.

If Diaspora is the term used to describe the Jewish dispersion what is the term to describe their return to Israel?

When a Jew moves to Israel, it is said that he/she is making Aliyah. Aliyah means arising, ascending, going up. It is said that moving to Israel is moving to a higher spiritual plane, thus the usage of the term aliyah. Aliyah is also used to refer to someone coming up to read from the Torah. However, Aliyah is not the proper opposite to Diaspora. Aliyah is what an individual does. The opposite of Aliyah is Yeridah, when a single person leaves Israel. The opposite of Diaspora, which is the communal dispersion of the Jewish people, is the communal return of the Jewish people to Israel. This return has not yet happened. There are still more Jews outside of Israel than inside of it. Such a return would likely be called the Geula or Redemption. Another opposite for the Exiling of the Jews (Diaspora) is Kibbutz Galuyot (Ingathering of the Exiles).

Related questions

Who created the law of return?

The people of Israel and Jordan

The Law of Return brought an increase in Israel's?

The Law of Return allowed for an increase in Israel's Jewish population.

Was it wise for Israel to pass the 1950 Law of Return?

Yes. That was one of the main reasons Israel was created, so that all Jews would be able to return to their homeland. It also allowed for the mass immigration of Mizrahi Jews that took place from 1950-1955, almost doubling Israel's workforce and making the Jewish majority a concrete fact in Israel.

What did Israel agree to do in the camp david acords?

Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egyptian control in three phases (from 1979 to 1982) in return for recognition of Israel by Egypt.

How did Zionism lead to the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948?

it developed a movement of return to the homeland among the Jews in the diaspora. groups were formed that later turned into parties. a vacuum as created by the departure of the british, it was the right moment to seize and the state of israel was created.

Can you still get a income tax return if you are claimed as a dependent?

Yes. Still file a tax return so that you can get any refund that you are entitled to. Make sure to mark on the return that you can be claimed as a dependant so that it is not rejected by the IRS.

You claimed zero but still owe taxes?

You mean you claimed 0 on your W-4 and/ or your return? The W-4 is the one that determines withholding. If you claimed say 3 on it and 0 on the return, then that is bound to happen. If you claimed 0 on both, and presuming you have no other income (which could cause additional payment in any case)...then recalc your return, something isn't right.

What area of land did Egypt exchange for during Egypt's agreement with Israel?

Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace in 1979.

What happened to Jews after the holocaust ended?

The ones that survived fought for the right to have their own homeland. They wanted to return to the promised land and with help Israel was created.

What is the country of the Hebrews?

They left Israel to go to Egypt. They left Egypt to return to Israel. They left Israel to go to Babylon. They left Babylon to return to Israel. They left Israel and scattered among the entire world. Starting in the 19th Century, many have returned to Israel. 7 million Jews live there today.

Which country did Hebrews leave?

They left Israel to go to Egypt. They left Egypt to return to Israel. They left Israel to go to Babylon. They left Babylon to return to Israel. They left Israel and scattered among the entire world. Starting in the 19th Century, many have returned to Israel. 7 million Jews live there today.

What Israeli law brought Jews to Israel from many countries?

The Jewish Law of Return of 1950. It should be noted that the Law of Return does not provide any mechanism nor describes one for the bringing of foreign Jews into Israel. As such the Law does not cause Jews to come to Israel. Israel has conducted missions to certain countries such as Yemen and Ethiopia to bring those populations to Israel, but these are military missions in no way legally related to the Law of Return. What the Law of Return does do is grant immediate Israeli citizenship to any Jew who arrives in Israel and requests it.