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Here Ne=no. of leaf nodes
N2= no. of nodes of degree 2

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Q: What is the number of nodes of degree 2 in binary tree which has n leaf nodes?
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The height of Complete Binary tree is in terms of :option1. n2. logn3. n^2?

The height of a complete binary tree is in terms of log(n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree. The height of a complete binary tree is the maximum number of edges from the root to a leaf, and in a complete binary tree, the number of leaf nodes is equal to the number of internal nodes plus 1. Since the number of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree is equal to 2^h where h is the height of the tree, we can use log2 to find the height of a complete binary tree in terms of the number of nodes.

What is the difference between strictly binary tree and complete binary tree?

Complete Binary tree: -All leaf nodes are found at the tree depth level -All nodes(non-leaf) have two children Strictly Binary tree: -Nodes can have 0 or 2 children

What is the difference between extended binary tree and complete binary tree?

Complete Binary tree: All leaf nodes are found at the tree depth level and All non-leaf nodes have two children. Extended Binary tree: Nodes can have either 0 or 2 children.

What do you mean by strictly binary tree?

A strictly binary tree is a tree in which every node other than the leaf nodes has exactly two children. OR in the Graph Theory perspective a tree having it's root vertex with degree 2 and all other non-leaf vertex of degree 3 and leaf vertex of degree 1, is called as the strictly binary tree. it is also called as the 2-tree or full binary tree.

What is the number of nodes in a strictly binary tree which has n leaves?


How many leaf nodes does the full binary tree of height h 3 have?

For a full binary tree of height 3 there are 4 leaf nodes. E.g., 1 root, 2 children and 4 grandchildren.

How many non leaf nodes are there in a complete binary tree of height h?


When we insert a new node in a binary search tree will it become an internal node or terminal node?

It will be come a terminal node. Normally we call terminal nodes leaf nodes because a leaf has no branches other than its parent.

Is null node equal to leaf node?

No. A leaf node is a node that has no child nodes. A null node is a node pointer that points to the null address (address zero). Since a leaf node has no children, its child nodes are null nodes.

A full binary tree with n nonleaves contains how many nodes?

Convert n to a binary value, then set the next most significant bit. For instance, if there are 7 non-leaves, this equates to 00000111 in binary. Each bit tells us how many non-leaves exist in each level, where the least-significant bit (bit 0) represents the root node and the most-significant bit (bit 2) represents the lowest level. Thus we have 1+2+4=7 non-leaf nodes in total. The next most-significant bit (bit 3) represents the leaf nodes and if we set that bit we get 00001111, which is 15 decimal. Thus there are 15 nodes in total. We can visualise this binary tree using hexadecimal notation: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f (Note: 0xf = 15 decimal). Using binary notation, we get the following: 1st level (bit 0) = 00000001 = 1 non-leaf node (the root) 2nd level (bit 1) = 00000010 = 2 non-leaf nodes 3rd level (bit 2) = 00000100 = 4 non-leaf nodes 4th level (bit 3) = 00001000 = 8 leaf nodes Thus we get: 00000001+00000010+00000100+00001000=00001111 Or, in decimal: 1+2+4+8=15

A full node is a node with two children Prove that the number of full nodes plus one is equal to the number of leaves in a binary tree?

Let N = the number of nodes, F = number of full nodes, L = the number of leaves, and H = the number of nodes with one child (or half nodes). The total number of nodes in a binary tree equals N = F + H + L. Because each full node is incident on two outgoing edges, each half node is incident on one outgoing edge, and each leaf is incident on no outgoing edge it follows that the total number of edges in a binary tree equals 2F + H. It is also true that the total number of edges in a tree equals N 1. Thus, 2F + H = N 1 H = N 1 2F Subbing this value of H into N = F + H + L gives, N = F + N 1 2F + L N N + 1 = F + L F + 1 = L

What is the Algorithm to count the number of leaf nodes in binary tree?

int countleaves(struct node* root){ if(root!=null) { countleaves(root->left); if(root->left==NULL&&root->right==NULL) { count++; } countleaves(root->right); } }