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== == Many Africans beleived that spirits inhabited the bodies of animals, trees, and other living organisms.

The category of African indigenous religion refers to cultural, religious or spiritual manifestations indigenous to the continent of Africa. There are arguably several religions in this category. Traditional African religions involve teachings, practices, and rituals that lend structure to the African native societies. Traditional African societies reflect local conceptions of God, the Gods (if the cultures are polytheistic or henotheistic), and the cosmos. Even within single communities there may be slightly different perceptions. African traditionalists almost always acknowledge the existence of a high God or demiurge who created the universe (e.g. Shango). Many traditional African stories speak of how God or God's son once lived among the people, but as humans did something to give offense to God, God withdrew to the heavens. African religious traditions are largely along tribal and ethnic lines, with the West African Yoruba religion being the most influential.

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Q: What is the original faith of the black man before being taking captive as slaves?
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