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The pH of a 0.0020 M HCl solution is approximately 2.7. This is because HCl is a strong acid that completely dissociates in water to form H^+ ions, decreasing the pH of the solution.

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Q: What is the pH of 10.0 mL of 0.0020 M HCl?
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How do you prepare 0.1M tris HCl?

To prepare 0.1M Tris-HCl, dissolve 1.21 g of Tris (molecular weight 121.14 g/mol) in distilled water to make 100 mL of solution. Adjust the pH to 7.4 using HCl.

What is the pH of a 0.100 molar HCl solution?

The answer depends on several unspecified variables, most importantly the final molarity of the solution, which depends on the final volume. You can calculate the value yourself using the formula: pH = -log[H+] where [H+] is the final concentration of H+ ions in solution. For HCl, [H+] is equal to molarity. So, for example, if you add 50.0 ml of 1.0M HCl to 950 ml of deionized water, your final concentation is: (50.0 ml/1000 ml) * (1.0M) = 0.05M Therefore: pH = -log[0.05] = 1.3

How do you prepare 0.5M Tris-HCL pH 7.2?

To prepare 0.5M Tris-HCl pH 7.2, first calculate the amount of Tris base needed using the molecular weight of Tris (121.14 g/mol). Then dissolve the calculated amount of Tris base in water, adjust the pH to 7.2 using HCl while monitoring with a pH meter, and make up the final volume.

Solubility of Ambroxol Hcl in pH 6.8?

The solubility of Ambroxol HCl can vary depending on the specific conditions. Generally, Ambroxol HCl is more soluble in acidic pH than neutral pH. At pH 6.8, the solubility of Ambroxol HCl may be lower compared to acidic pH. Further experimental testing may be needed to determine the specific solubility at pH 6.8.

What is the pH of Na2HPO4?

The pH of a 0.1 M solution of Na2HPO4 is around 9.0 due to the presence of the weak base HPO4^2-.

Related questions

Calculate the pH of a solution prepared by diluting 3.0 mL of 2.5 M HCl to a final volume of 100 mL with H2O?

To calculate the final concentration of the diluted solution, use the formula: M1V1 = M2V2. The final concentration of the diluted solution will be (M1V1)/V2 = (2.5 M x 3.0 mL) / 100 mL = 0.075 M. Then, calculate the pH using the formula pH = -log[H+]. Therefore, pH = -log(0.075) = 1.12.

How do you prepare 0.1M tris HCl?

To prepare 0.1M Tris-HCl, dissolve 1.21 g of Tris (molecular weight 121.14 g/mol) in distilled water to make 100 mL of solution. Adjust the pH to 7.4 using HCl.

What is the pH of a 0.100 molar HCl solution?

The answer depends on several unspecified variables, most importantly the final molarity of the solution, which depends on the final volume. You can calculate the value yourself using the formula: pH = -log[H+] where [H+] is the final concentration of H+ ions in solution. For HCl, [H+] is equal to molarity. So, for example, if you add 50.0 ml of 1.0M HCl to 950 ml of deionized water, your final concentation is: (50.0 ml/1000 ml) * (1.0M) = 0.05M Therefore: pH = -log[0.05] = 1.3

How do you prepare 0.5M Tris-HCL pH 7.2?

To prepare 0.5M Tris-HCl pH 7.2, first calculate the amount of Tris base needed using the molecular weight of Tris (121.14 g/mol). Then dissolve the calculated amount of Tris base in water, adjust the pH to 7.2 using HCl while monitoring with a pH meter, and make up the final volume.

What is the pH of 200 mL of 0.002 M HCl?

The pH of 0.002 M HCl is approximately 2.3 assuming complete dissociation of HCl into H+ and Cl- ions. The calculation involves taking the negative base 10 logarithm of the concentration of H+ ions which is given by the molarity of the acid solution.

What is the pH of the solution formed when 100 milliliter of hcl is mixed with 100 milliliter of NaOH?

I think it'd be pH 7. Same amount of both, providing they are the same molarity!

Solubility of Ambroxol Hcl in pH 6.8?

The solubility of Ambroxol HCl can vary depending on the specific conditions. Generally, Ambroxol HCl is more soluble in acidic pH than neutral pH. At pH 6.8, the solubility of Ambroxol HCl may be lower compared to acidic pH. Further experimental testing may be needed to determine the specific solubility at pH 6.8.

What is the pH of Na2HPO4?

The pH of a 0.1 M solution of Na2HPO4 is around 9.0 due to the presence of the weak base HPO4^2-.

A 10.0ml sample of the hcl solution was transferred by pipet to an erlenmeyer flask and then diluted by adding about 40ml of distilled water what is the h30 concentration and pH before titration?

To find the H3O+ concentration before titration, we need to calculate the moles of HCl present in the 10 mL solution. Assuming the initial concentration of HCl is known, we can then determine the concentration of H3O+ ions. The pH can be calculated using the formula pH = -log[H3O+].

How would you prepare 1600 ml of a pH 1.50 solution using concentrated 12M HCl?

To prepare 1600 ml of pH 1.50 solution using concentrated 12M HCl, you would need to calculate the volume of 12M HCl required to achieve the desired pH. Once calculated, carefully dilute the calculated volume of 12M HCl to 1600 ml using distilled water. Always remember to add acid to water slowly to avoid splattering.

How much lemon juice would be needed to lower the pH of 100 ml of water to a pH of 5.5?

You would need to add about 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice to lower the pH of 100 ml of water to 5.5. The exact amount may vary depending on the concentration of the lemon juice.

What is the pH of a 1.0x10-4m hcl solution?

The pH of a 1.0x10^-4 M HCl solution is 4. This is because HCl dissociates completely in water to form H+ ions, resulting in an acidic solution.