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Q: What is the penalties for someone who performs euthanasia?
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Who performs passive euthanasia?

Euthanasia can be performed by anyone. Euthenasia is the act of killing someone that has requested that he/she be killed as a result of an illness or for that matter any other reason. It is a word for assisted suicide.

What are the cons on euthanasia?

Its basically killing someone.

Killing someone who's ill is called?

Euthanasia = putting someone to sleep

What is another name for euthanasia?

mercy killing ..the good death...euthantasBeing put down.Put to sleep.Put out of one's misery.Going to sleep permanently.Ending your life.Murder.

What is voluntery euthanasia?

That's when someone decides to end his own life.

What is a thesbian?

It is someone who acts an performs.

Is euthanasia considered a crime in the Netherlands?

No it's not. In fact, Netherlands is the first country which legalized euthanasia. There are very strict rules for euthanasia. And sometimes it's considered a crime. Euthanasia is only legal when someone has to suffer forever and many doctors agree with it. So it's hard to get it in the Netherlands.

What are the dis advantages of euthanasia?

Euthanasia prevents someone from completing their "unfinished business". You can't always be sure that a person's disease is incurable. You may severely disappoint a Masochist.

What is human euthanasia?

Euthanasia (mercy killing) is the act of assisting someone to kill themselves. It can be voluntary for example someone who is consciously making the decision to end their own life, or it can be an involuntary decision like taking someone off life support who has been in a coma for a while.

Why would you do euthanasia?

If someone was in terrible pain and didn't have long to live. Instead of leaving them to die a slow and painful death, euthanasia is an option. Only if the person is in terrible pain.

What is the meaning of 'euthanasia'?

Euthanasia means a gentle and easy death. There are 4 types of euthanasia: Assisted suicide- eg. Giving someone the drugs or gun to kill themselves but not actually killing the person yourself. Voluntary euthanasia- Helping kill someone who has asked you to kill them, it is only voluntary if you actually kill them, if they kill themselves it is assisted suicide. Non voluntary euthanasia- Where you kill the person when they haven't asked you to but you think it is right. eg. if the person is in a coma and might never wake up and the parent kill them. Passive euthanasia- where you stop giving the person treatment or food and water. Only if they have asked you to.

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