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It's a desperate attempt to seek attention.

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Q: What is the point of purposely spelling words differently like 'kool' or 'kewl' instead of 'cool' and 'krazy' instead of 'crazy'?
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What does 'meshuggah' mean?

Meshuggah is Yiddish for crazy. Spelling varies.

How do you spell crazy in Chinese?

You are referring to the phonetic spelling, correct? The character would be 疯, but the pingyin would be féng le (to become crazy) féng zi (a crazy person)

Is this correct spelling for flem?

The correct spelling is "phlegm." It refers to the thick, viscous substance secreted by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, typically when a person is ill.

Can someone die from spelling?

yes u can due to lack of sleep and if u are crazy

If u like a girl and wants to noe if she likes u then u purposely kissed her?

First off that is crazy thing to do.LOL. To know if she liked you or not how did she react to you kissing her?

Why are people using the word 'a' instead of 'an' when 'an' is the appropriate word?

They're crazy

If your pregnant with no symptoms what does it mean?

SOme people react to pregnancy differently. You are either very lucky, congrats, or you aren't really pregnant and you are crazy.

French translation for im crazy in love?

I'm crazy in love (with...) --> je suis follement amoureux (de...) If you are a girl, you say "amoureuse" instead of "amoureux".

He went crazy when his wife burnt his it a right sentence-?

Yes, 'he went crazy when his wife burnt his breakfast' is the right way to say that sentence. Instead of saying 'he went crazy' you could say 'he got mad'.

How do you spell syicoit meaning crazy?

The word is spelled "psychotic" (e.g. a psychotic breakcreating irrational actions).

Your a freak what does this mean?

A freak means that some idiot thinks that you're crazy/weird just because the two of you do things differently, or you're just insane.

How do you pronounce Bjorn?

ByornFor the Nordic pronunciation: think of how you pronounce "earth" in BBC English, then add a By (y being close to y in English, as in "yes") in the the beginning, and a rolled R and N instead of /th/. Same goes for Björk, only an unvoiced K instead of the N. English has most, if not all of the sounds, so it's not hard if you stop thinking in terms of the crazy English spelling.