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Q: What is the relation between corral and pen?
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What is an synonym for corral?

Corral, noun: paddock, pen, enclosure Corral, verb: trap, enclose, restrict, restrain; gather, collect

What is a horse coral?

It's actually spelt corral not coral. A horse corral is an enclosure or pen for horsesImformation found from by searching "corral"

What is another name for horse pen?

Another name for a horse pen is a paddock or a corral.

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Working pens, corral, "the pen".

What is a synonym for corral?

Noun : Cattle Pen - Verb : Seize, Capture

What does corral mean?

The noun corral is a pen or fenced enclosure for horses or livestock. The verb corral means to gather livestock (cattle, horses) and metaphorically means to force a meeting or gathering.

What is the name called of cow home?

Corral, pen, barn, shed, pasture, farm, ranch, etc.

What rhymes with shall?

mall, ball...pal...***gal, canal, corral, pen pal...

What is the difference between corral and stable with respect to horses?

A corral is a pen with room for the horse to run around and breathe fresh air. A stable is a shelter with several stalls, where horses have only enough room to turn around and in stalls, even with good ventilation, they don't get as good air as they would outside.

What is a fenced area for animals called?

This may sound weird but I think it depends on the animal, if its a horse, then its a stable (or corral), if its pigs, then its a pen, I think that its a pen for goats and sheep as well,

What rhymes with Talal?

Corral. Corral dictionary meaning: 1.a pen for horses, cattle, and other animals. 2. to drive into or keep in a corral: The cowhands corralled the herd of wild ponies. 3. to hem in ; surround; capture: The reporters corralled the mayor and began asking questions.

What is the difference between choral and corral?
