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The relation between Diabetes and melitus is one of Ion balance and solute diuresis. In diabetes melitus there is an increased amount of both Glucose in urine do to low insulin production/none or Insulin resistance. In addition, there is the production of ketoacids from the switch of carbohydrate metabolism to fat metabolism. Both of these act to retain water in the lumen of the kidney and solutes leading to increased loss of solutes due to increased flow rates.

-In the case of K+ the lumen of the kidney is negative due to all the ketoacids present and thus the K+ is attracted stronger to stay in the urine. In addition, the body is trying to maintain the Extracellular fluid balance by reabsorbing Na+ and thus K+ has to act as a counter ion to maintain the electronutrallity of the lumen. Thus producing a double whammy for K+ loss

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Q: What is the relation of hypokalemia to diabetes melitus?
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No, but there are some speculations that it can trigger an autoimmune reaction leading to diabetes melitus type 1.

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That's a great idea. But it is not practical thing. You have very good drugs to treat the diabetes. The pancreas is not there to produce insulin only. It has got many other important roles to play. So you will not take such major step to cure the diabetes. You do not use the gun to kill the mouse.

What is the effect on the heart function in the case of hypokalemia and hyperkalemia?

Hypokalemia and hyperkalmia both can have effects on the heart function. Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arriythmias.

What is the relation between low level of potassium and cardiac dysrhythmia?

if a person experiences cardiac arrhythmias and low levels of potassium are present the person has a condition called hypokalemia.

What are the clinical symptoms of hypokalemia?

Weakness, Fatigue, Muscle cramps, Constipation, Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) are symptoms are hypokalemia.

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Why do Beta agonist cause hypokalemia?

Beta 2 adrenergic agonists cause increased potassium entry into cells, which can lead to hypokalemia

How can hypokalemia affect your life?

Hypokalemia or low potassium can cause lethal heart rhythms. general tiredness , muscle twitching and damage.

Do ace inhibitors cause hypokalemia?

It could. If its a diabetic patient who has raised serum postassium due to diabetic nephropathy then ace inhibitor can improve his diabetic nephropathy leading to hypokalemia.... BUT it DOESNT cause hypokalemia directly... instead it leads to hyperkalemia...

How does the hypokalemia affect the effects of Digitalis?

Hypokalemia potentiates the effects of digoxin. Hypokalemia reduces the drive of the Na-K-ATPase, resulting in increased cellular Na in cardiac muscles. Digoxin does the same thing by blocking the Na-K-ATPase.