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Q: What is the sentence for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon in St Maarten dutch Antilles?
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What is maximum sentence for a battery charge in georiga?

Simple battery is 12mo sentence with some fines possible. Battery and aggravated battery are felonies with longer maximums, depending on various other factors.

Whats a lesser charge then an aggravated battery with a firearm?

Aggravated Battery Aggravated Assault Disorderly Conduct

What is the minimum and maximum sentence for Simple battery aggravated battery burglary obstruction of an officer and criminal trespass?

About 4-7 Years.

How much time does a battery charge in georiga carry?

If you are being charged for battery in Georgia, the sentence depends on the degree of battery. Simple battery carries a punishment of up to 12 months' imprisonment, plus fines. Aggravated battery carries a sentence of 1 to 20 years' imprisonment.

What felony class is battery in?

Its not. In the state of Florida there is battery which is a misd. and aggravated battery which is a felony

What is the sentence for sexual battery in state of Georgia?

A person convicted of the offense of aggravated sexual battery shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 20 years

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How many years can you get for aggravated battery with firearm?


Is aggravated battery a misdemeanor or felony?

Aggravated Battery is generally a low class felony, high class misdemeanor. In most states it's a First Degree Misdemeanor.

Aggravated Battery charge in the state of Louisiana.?

A person who is charged with aggravated battery in Louisiana could be fined up to $5000.00. They could also face prison time up to 10 years.

Is aggravated battery of a child a class x felony in Illinois?


What is the difference between simple battery and aggravated battery?

Simple battery typically involves the intentional touching or striking of another person without their consent, resulting in harm or offense. Aggravated battery, on the other hand, involves more serious factors such as the use of a deadly weapon, causing severe bodily harm or permanent disfigurement. Aggravated battery is considered a more serious offense with harsher penalties.