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Answer Alcohol abuse can be seen not only in a relationship, but by the person him or herself. They will tend not to care much about anything except having their drink daily and each and ever night, weekends included. It's a non stop thing being an alcoholic, I know this for a fact as I've been there, done that for a very long time. I've been sober for over 12 years now, but I could only have done it with AA as my daily companion. A real alcholic doesn't care about anyone except him or herself to a point where they will drink the grocery money and not feel bad about doing so while they are drinking. It's a sickness that can never be cured, but it can be treated through orginazations such as AA. The person who is drinking has to want to sober up and stay that way or going to AA or any other institution won't help them one bit. Forcing them too doesn't work. If for example you tell that person, it's me or the booze, you will loose for sure. You might want to look in your local newspaper or on the internet for AA and contact them to see what help they can offer you as AA is everywhere. Good luck

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