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Q: What is the smallest cranial nerves that motor impulses to the superior oblique muscles?
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Which cranial nerve is responsible for lateral movement of the eye?

Abducent nerve. Also called as abducens nerve. The sixth cranial nerve. Superior oblique muscle is supplied by trochlear nerve. All other muscles are supplied by oculomotor nerve.

How many nerves are in your eyes?

Each eye has one nerve for vision, the optic nerve, Cranial Nerve II. Nerves are actually bundles of many nerve fibers. There are nerves that supply impulses for the muscles associated with the eyeballs so they can move are the Cranial Nerve III, Oculomotor, Cranial Nerve IV, Trochlear, and Cranial Nerve VI, the Abducens nerve.

What are the innervation of the eye?

Cranial nerve #2 - optic nerve - special sensory for vision Cranial nerve #3 - occulomotor nerve - motor for extraoccular muscles & parasympathetic to ciliary ganglion Cranial nerve #4 - trochlear nerve - motor for extraoccular muscle (superior oblique) Cranial nerve #6 - abduscens nerve - motor for extraoccular muscle (lateral rectus)

Which cranial nerves conduct the sensory and motor impulses of the eye?

The Optical nerver or the Second Cranial nerve controls and relays information absorbed through the rods and cones of the eye. Eye movements (eye muscles), however, are controlled by several other cranial nerves including the Oculomotor, Abducens, and Trochlear nerves.

Do motor neurons send impulses to muscles or glands?


What three Cranial nerve is involved in rolling the eyes?

Eye movement is controlled by cranial nerves III, IV, and VI (Oculomotor, Trohlear, and Abducens, respectively). CN III innervates most of the muscles of the eye and is responsible for most eye movements.

What cranial nerves are involved in tooth ache in upper jaw?

The cranial nerve would be the 5th one (V), the Trigeminal. This nerve is responsible for conduction sensory impulses from the skin of the face and mucosa of the nose and mouth. Also, it contains motor fibers that activate the chewing muscles.

What innervates velar muscles?

Cranial Nerve V

What system controls muscles and regulates body activity?

The nervous system controls muscles and glands by electrical impulses.

What controlls your muscles?

Nerve impulses from your brain.

What nerve is used for mastication in dobermans?

The cranial nerve responsible for moving the cheek muscles is cranial nerve V (the trigeminal nerve). However, cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal) and cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal) are also involved in moving the tongue, the throat for swallowing and the muscles along the floor of the jaw.

Which cranial muscle sends signals to the tongue muscles?

Hypoglossal.. (: