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Q: What is the structure of the frog's stomach?
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Do frogs have a stomach?

Yes, frogs have a stomach.

What organ is underneath a frogs stomach?

Intestines are present underneath frogs stomach i.e on the posterior side of the body.

Does a frogs stomach produce enzymes?


What exit structure do frogs have that humans do not?


What is the system that includes frogs stomach and intestines?

Digestive System.

What structure does the frogs Eustachian tube attach?

The ear

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Is there blood veins in the stomach of a frog?

yes there is and its gross to disect frogs

Are common frogs vertebrate or invertebrate?

All frogs are vertebrates. They have a full skeletal structure which includes a spinal cord.

Structure attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach?

The structure attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach is a mesentery called the lesser omentum. this receives bile from the liver and sends it to the stomach.

How strong is a frogs stomach acid?

as strong as a lilly-picker in a lemon farm

What is the function of the frogs plyorus?

The pylorus is the lower area in the stomach in a frog. The function of the pylorus in a frog is to standardize the exit of food from the stomach.