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Q: What is water moving from blood to body cells?
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What has a higher percentage blood or water in the body?

Water As blood is made from water and blood cells.

What would happen to a person blood osmolality when drinking seawater?

When you drink seawater, a high concentration of salt finds its way into your blood vessels. As a result, you have a higher concentration of solutes (salt molecules, in this case) on the outside of your blood cells than in your blood cells-- there is a hypertonic solution on the outside of the blood cells. Your body wants to keep solutions isotonic across the membranes-- that means your body wants the same amount of free water molecules on the inside of the blood cells as the outside-- so water molecules move out of the blood cells in order to keep the balance of free water molecules. The water moving out of the blood cells cause them to "crenate," or shrink, which is of course not very good for your cells.

Where is most of the bodys water located?

About 2/3 of your body's water is located in your blood cells.

Which part of the blood carries water around the body?

The part of the blood cell that carries water around the body are the plasma cells

Can you show the diagram of the overall flow of water in the red blood cells?

Water is the only molecule in your body, which can move freely in the body cells. The movement depends most of the time on physical need of the tissue. When you are thirsty, water may become less in red blood cells. When you drink water, water enters the red blood cells. Most of the times water that enters the red blood cells is replaced by same amount of water. I hope that you can draw the diagram, now.

What is the main function of specialized cells?

The main function of specialized cells serve different tasks which include moving oxygen throughout the body, killing bacteria, removing mucus from the body, etc. Examples of speciazlized cells are white blood cells, red blood cells and muscle cells.

What is the function for blood vessels?

Blood vissels carry blood cells that carry food and water for your body tissues.

What leaves the body cells and enters the blood then leaves the blood cells and enters the lungs?

NUTRIENTS AND OXYGEN also water, minerals, and vitamins

How are blood cells and platelets transported through the body?

Blood cells and platelets are suspended in blood plasma (mostly water) and moved through the body in blood vessels (arteries, veins & capillaries). The blood is forced through the blood vessels by the heart.

How do you create poo?

your body makes it with your food and water and it had dead blood cells in it.

What would distilled water do to blood cells?

if you inject straight into your body you die!

How many blood cells are in your body?

there are 15 billion blood cells in your body