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Q: What kind of a habitat should red eared sliders live in?
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Who do red eared sliders mate?

A Red Eared Slider can only "procreate" (have young) with another Red Eared Slider but they have been known to "mate" (have sex) with Yellow Belly Sliders. They probably wouldn't try to mate with any other kind of turtle, other than a Slider.

Do red eared sliders eat sardines?

Well they will eat any kind of fish salmon and tuna so yes

In a 55 gallon tank can you keep a red eared slider and a lizard and what kind of lizard would be ok?

you shouldn't keep sliders with ANY kind of lizard

What kind of turtles can be found in Arkansas?

I have seen, box turtles, red-eared sliders, some kind of map turtle, a snapper and a very large cooter............

What kind of mice do Long Eared Owls eat?

Long Eared Owls diet mainly consists of injurious rodents, that means it will eat whatever the species of mice or rats that live in their habitat

If i have turtles but i dont know what species they are will that affect their life and i dont know if my turtles are red eared sliders or water turtles is it possible for them to be both?

Red Eared Sliders are aquatic turtles. They generally spend their time in a pond like environment, and come up to bask in the sun.Image search "red eared slider" to find out. They are very unique looking and very easy to tell what kind of turtle they are.Then, return them wherever you got them. You obviously shouldn't be owning turtles.

Can red eared sliders eat tadpoles?

Maybe, it depends what kind of amphibian it is. If it's a frog, sure. If it's a snake, no. If it's another turtle, maybe,just not a softshelled one. If it's a fish, who knows?

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Can red eared sliders live with yellow belly turtles?

Yes, red eared sliders and yellow bellied sliders are both subspecies of "pond slider", in the wild where their range overlaps they mate quite often producing what are called "intergrades". The particular intergrade between a yellow bellied slider and a red eared slider often has features of both, large yellow markings on the head with a red corner.

Is there a kind of seal named the eared seal?

The name for an eared seal is Otary

Can a painted turtle breed with a red eared slider turtle?

A Painted Turtle can only "procreate" (have young) with another Painted Turtle but they have been known to "mate" (have sex) with Red Eared Sliders and Yellow Belly Sliders. They probably wouldn't try to mate with any other kind of turtle, other than a similar species of water turtle like maybe a Map Turtle. For instance, a painted Turtle probably would not try to mate with a Soft Shell Turtle or a Snapping Turtle (or any land turtle like a Box Turtle) because they would not recognize it as a possible mate. When a Painted Turtle tries to mate with a Slider, it is because its instincts are telling it that based on size, shape, and mating displays and behaviors, etc., it is another Painted Turtle. Interestingly, Red Eared Sliders and Yellow Bellied Sliders rages currently overlap and where they do there is a lot of unsuccessful mating going on between the two species but they cannot procreate. That is part of the "definition" of a separate species.

What kind of pollution water can red sliders take?

none of it