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Most suckerfish get too big, but an apple snail (same as a mystery snail) or some ramshore snails are awesome.

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Q: What kind of bottom feeder could you put in with guppies in a ten gallon tank?
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Can guppies live with Oscar fish?

not a chance. you could buy guppies as feeder fish for them though.

Can you have six guppies in a three gallon tank if you do frequent water changs it has a filter and a heater?

Its not recommended to do that, but guppies are very hardy fish. So if you were to make sure not to over feed, and to clean the tank frequently, then yes you could keep 6 guppies in a 3 gallon tank.

How can you tell a male guppy from a woman guppy?

They are so obviously different from one another there could not possibly be a mistake in sexing them. The females are large and grey. The males are small and colourful. What is hard about that?

Are guppies compatible with female bettas?

In most cases, it is not recommended to keep guppies with female bettas. Female bettas can be quite territorial and may perceive the guppies as intruders. This could lead to aggression and potential harm to the guppies. It's generally best to house guppies with other peaceful, non-aggressive fish species.

How many guppies could you fit in a 17 liter tank?

About 5 or 6 guppies.

How many guppies to a 10 gallon aquarium?

Guppies need a 40 gallon tank. Maybe 3 at the most if you only put in plants and maybe one rock. answer 2 by LipRingz:they don't need a 40 gallon tank i had 5 guppy's in a 2.5 tank in a 10 gallon you can have prob 8-9 guppy's

How many guppys can you have in a ten gallon tank?

Well guppys are tiny fish so i have 2 say, wait, well that depens how many other fish u have in the tank here are some examples: If u have a little pet shark, five little goldfish, 4 neon tetras, and 2 clownfish, you should have 5 guppies. If u don't have a pet shark u could have 10 guppies. (new person) Well, technically it is a ten gallon tank. If it was, say, a ten centimeter tank in height and maybe a few inches in width, then maybe ten guppies, more or less, like the person above said. But a ten gallon tank is like pet-store material, so I'd say a couple hundred guppies in a ten gallon tank.

Do you need a five-gallon tank for a few guppies or would a one-gallon bowl be good enough?

GuppiesWell, it depends on how many guppies you have. A one gallon should be fine for up to three guppies. Just be sure that they are all of one sex! AnswerWell, for each inch of a fish you need atleast 1 gallon. Big I know, but don't forget fish can grow. So during that growing period you will have to buy more and more fish. So, you should just buy a 10 gal tank for 5 guppies, and the minimum amount of fish you need for guppies since they are "community fish" is 5. That's what I did and that's what many sites online have told me to do. You could also ask one of your pets store's employees around the fish area and they will tell you all you need to know. Just make sure you get a good helping of plants and hiding areas for them. Good Luck with your fish.

How many guppies can live in a 30gallon fish tank?

Guppies are usually 1 inch long, and a good rule of thumb is to have 1 inch of fish per gallon, so as many as 30 guppies will be just fine. Although, it might be nice to add some different fish occasionally.

What is the Reproduction Rate of Guppies?

For all the info you could possibly desire on Guppies check out this link.:-

How many guppies can be in a 2.5 gallon tank?

the rule of keeping fish in a tank is 1 gallon per inch of full grown fish, so 3 guppies will be good but just to keep them safe hav an air pump or just keep 2 of them

Can white cloud fish and guppies be kept together?

Other fish with guppies it absolutely fine but some fish can get jealous. Well guppies like to show off their tail and sort of brag about it. So the other fish depending how aggressive it is, it may nibble of part of it's tail. And usually it won't grow back the same. Lot's of people wonder if goldfish will eat their guppies. Gold fish could eat guppies if they grow enough. Like if you get a fancy gold fish and it grows big then possibly. The size that goldfish grow depends on how much room they have. Like if a goldfish lived in a 50 gallon tank then it would most likely grow much larger. But if it was in a little bowl it probably won't grow as much. So most likely it won't but anything can happen. So pretty much it depends on what size tank you have. Well anyway you could usually have guppies with other fish. Just so you know Goldfish can't live with guppies because of their different water temperature requirements. Guppies can only live with other Tropical Freshwater Fish.