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Try simple yoga techniques, but be very gentle and don't do the back bending exercise (forward, dip, backward) Use some common sense. If it hurts STOP.

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Q: What kind of stretching exercises can be done after vertoplasty surgery?
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How should stretching exercises be done?


Abdominal exercises after abdominal surgery?

Here are some abdominal exercises that can be done after abdominal surgery. Crunches, oblique twists, reverse crunches and pushup/twists are good exercises to do after abdominal surgery.

What types of exercises are done at a fitness boot camp?

There are many exercises that are done at a fitness boot camp. Examples of exercises done at a fitness boot camp include dynamic stretching, running, pushups, situps, and interval training.

DVD on stretching exercises?

I'd recommend the DVD "Ultimate Stretch Yoga Workout". It centers on various yoga stretching exercises, and it shows stretch exercises you can do for every part of your body. It's simple enough that you should be able to keep up with it even if you haven't done yoga before.

What types of exercises can be done on the Bowflex sport home gym?

The exercises that can be done on the Bowflex sport home gym are,leg and arm curls and all types of stretching exercises using resistance instead of weights. The Bowflex system is very well accepted by users.

What are some popular leg exercises?

Some popular leg exercises are squats, lunges, calf raises, leg extensions. All of the exercises listed can be done with out without weights. Also stretching is essential to all exercises to reduce the risk of injury.

Height increasing exercises?

There are no exercises to increase a persons height. The only option would be surgery - which would normally only be done in exceptional circumstances.

What is the breathing exercise for weight loss?

A breathing exercise that is geared towards weight loss is deep breathing. This can be done during yoga or other stretching exercises.

Can poor eyesight be corrected without surgery?

Definitely.In order to improve your eyesight, you should do eye exercises designed to permanently improve your vision. Such exercises only take about 10 minutes a day and can be very effective if done correctly.

Which type of stretching must be done under the supervision of a coach or a trainer?

dynamic stretching

Is dynamic stretching even considered a form of stretching or exercise If it is a form of stretching can it be done on a daily basis to help sore muscles?

Dynamic stretching should be done before activity as it helps to loosen muscles, relieving soreness and warming them up. Static stretching should be done after activity, making use of warm muscles to increase flexibility.

Which stretches should be done before Yoga class?

There are a few basic stretching warm up exercises that can be done such as groin stretching,bridge stretches and shoulder stretches. These are only a few and for further instructions of how properly to do so you can find them online.