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Arabic? Mozarabic. After the Moorish invasion of the area in 711 AD, Arabic became the official language of the area. However, the most commonly spoken language was Romance (ancestor of modern Spanish), in particular a group of Romance dialects known as Mozarabic. Notes of interest: Mozarabic is one of the only Romance languages to have been written in the Arabic script, not the Latin one. Circa 1100 AD, 80% of the population of Iberia -- then the Moorish state of Al-Ándalus (الأندلس) -- was Muslim. Mozarabic. After the Moorish invasion of the area in 711 AD, Arabic became the official language of the area. However, the most commonly spoken language was Romance (ancestor of modern Spanish), in particular a group of Romance dialects known as Mozarabic. It was the poeple's tounge, though Arabic was the official language and Latin the cultural language. Notes of interest: • Mozarabic is one of the only Romance languages to have been written in the Arabic script, not the Latin one. • Circa 1100 AD, 80% of the population of Iberia -- then the Moorish state of Al-Ándalus (الأندلس) -- was Muslim.

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Q: What language was spoken in Andalusia in the twelfth century?
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