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The rise started when the small village of Rome came under the rule of the Etruscans who in turn made a monarchy whose kings were the tranquini who during their rule expanded it 60 or 160 miles (Don't know how far :p) when the Romans overthrew the kings of Rome and made the republic they knew that they would have to take care of the Greeks in southern Italy who posed a threat and a potentially important area that contained necessary resources, after that was done they were beginning to gain protectorates from all over Europe like Sicily and some spots in Spain, and Greece now this is where the Punic wars begin leading to them conquering Sicily, Spain, and parts of Africa this is where they generally grew from small village to the famous Roman Empire although all the lands they gained were from the time of the republic they would eventually conquer Greece, France, Eqypt, Anatolia, England, etc

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11y ago

Her people made Rome great. None of Rome's conquests, inventions or legacies would have been possible without the spirit that motivated the people pf ancient Rome.

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6y ago

Protected and varied trade routes all over the western world with a degree of freedom given to the countries that made up part of the empire. as well as an effective transportation system.

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10y ago

the italian city states became powerful because of trade and ect.

-Martin Moroz

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