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Everyone's blood cells have the same cell architecture and functional components (all blood cells are biconcave disks and contain hemoglobin unless there is a genetic disorder). However, the blood types are the result of different antigens (proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids) on the surface of the blood cells. The most frequently seen A, B, AB and O blood system is caused by different carbohydrate antigens. People with type A have type A antigen, people with type B have type B antigen, people with type AB have both antigens, and people with type O have no antigens. These antigens facilitate rejection of blood by activating the immune system. It turns out that the immune system in a person whose blood does not have the antigen type in the transfusion blood recognizes the transfusion blood as foreign. This elicits an immune response to eliminate the 'invaders' and can result in the clumping of transfused blood cells due to antibody binding, causing the clogging of smaller vessels. Other blood type systems such as the Rhesus system involve other groups antigens on blood cell surfaces.

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Q: What makes blood types different from each other?
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What is the relevance of blood types?

Blood has different mixes which makes some blood different from others this is very important during blood transfusions.

What blood types do a- take and why and why doesnt it take the other blood types?

Blood types usually only take blood of the same type, with the exception of O. Different blood types, such as A and B, will see each other as a threat to the body, a foreign object, and will attack each other.

Where can I find out more about the four different blood types?

The most common blood type is O. This is referred to as the universal donor. The other three types are A,B and AB blood types. The O type is compatiable with the other three types of blood.

How are blood types different?

Blood types have different cells in them as well as different antigens.

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Do dogs have different blood types?

yes. dogs have different blood types?

Is there a book I can purchase that can explain eating for O blood type that makes it different then eating for other types?

Yes there is. It is a book called Eat right for your type. Its inexpensive and it located at alot of stores near you or you can purchase it online. It tells you about all types of blood types and what you should eat.

I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?

If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.

Why does different blood types make you more unique?

O negative blood is the universal donor and can be given to any person with any type of blood. Other blood types can not do this because their antigens.

What are the compatiable blood types?

I believe type O blood is the one blood type that can be matched to any of the other blood types. There is one type of blood, though, that is not compatible with type O blood. However, that is very rare.

What blood types do other animals have?

Animals have many different kinds. The number of blood types vary throughout each different species. For example, cats have 3, cows have about 800 and dogs have 13 (6-8 of which are the major ones). This is why blood transfusions cannot be made to different species. The donors blood will react to the patients blood because their blood types are not the same.

What exactly about type o makes you possible to be called the universal donor?

compadibility with other blood types