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Basically, all breakdown of compostable materials into actual compost is courtesy of microbes.

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Q: What microorganisms help in composting?
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Related questions

What role do microorganisms play in composting?

Microorganisms will eat the organic material so it is broken down. This also account s to the bad smell.

Does the pH of compost ingredients affect the populations of microorganisms during composting?

yes, it should be 5.5

Why does composting help the environment?

Composting vegetation waste returns nutrients to the soil.

What are 3 helpful things microorganism can do?

Some microorganisms can be beneficial. I will list three ways below and describe it. 1)Composting- Effective microorganisms can be made into a brew that can be added to the waste material in the composter. The microorganisms help break down the waste and provide plant nutrients. 2)Yogurt drinks- Some yogurt drinks contain effective microorganisms as a supplement. Certain types of these microorganisms are known to promote mental clarity. 3) Agriculture- Effective types of microorganisms improve the health of the soil and allow for the production of healthy crops.

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Can composting help the problem of excess waste?


What are the causes of food adulteration and composting?

Microorganisms such as bacteria are the causes of food adulteration and composting. Adulteration refers to the unhealthy turn that food may take if proper preparation, serving and storage methods aren't respected. Composting refers to the breakdown of kitchen scraps into the elements from which they basically are formed. In both cases, microscopic critters and processes are involved.

How do earthworms help composting?

They move around, creating air holes in your compost pile. The bacteria that breaks down your scraps into compost thrives when it is moved, and when it has availability to air. Their feces also help provide richer compost for gardening.

Can microorganisms help to cure chickenpox?

There are no treatments for chickenpox at this time that use microorganisms.

What microorganisms are not harmful?

helpful microorganisms help our bodies proceed health

Would you prefer to dispose off dry leaves in your garden by burning or composting?

to me i would prefer composting its more natural and can help your garden more giving it nitrogen rich soil

Why does it help to have some microorganisms living in the pond?

It helps because microorganisms are small so it will be easier to see in water