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At that time, there were 7 territories in the United States. These were the

New Mexico, Washington, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, Unorganized Oklahoma, and Unorganized Dakota Territories.

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There are four territories Oregon, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Utah.

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Q: What new states are added in 1850 to the US?
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What year did the us add northern Maine?

It became the 23rd US State on 15 March 1820.

What year was CA admitted to US?

California was added to the United States on September 9, 1850. This made the state the 39th in the US.

What was the border of the US after 1850?

After the Compromise of 1850 the United States acquired both the New Mexico Territory and Utah Territory as parts of its territory. The Mexico and the US border was also agreed on the south.

What was the largest city in the US in 1850?

New York has been the most populous city in the United States throughout its history.

California was added to the us when?

Date of admissionSept. 9, 1850

Who established the guidelines by which new states would be added to the US?

Adolf Hitler

Which established the guidelines by which new states would be added to the US?

.Northwest Ordinance of 1787

What established the guidelines by which the new states would be added to the US?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

What did the map of the US look like during the compromise of 1850?

By 1850 Texas and California would have been on the map, all the plains states, all the southwest and all the southeast, the east coast, and west coast. No Alaska or Hawaii. They were added in 1959.

How many states where discovered during John Adams presidency?

No new states and no new territory was added to the US while John Adams was President.

What states were added in 1890 during the you us centennia?

States were added in 1890 during the US centennial

How many states were in the us in the 1930s?

There were 48 states for the decade. No new states were added from 1912 (New Mexico, 47th and Arizona, 48th) to 1959 (Alaska, 49th and Hawaii, 50th).