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Q: What nutrients are made of starch sucrose and fiber?
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Where does glucose go after its made by the chloroplast?

They are stored in starch granules.Later transported to various parts as Sucrose.

A large carbohydrate molecule with a chainlike structue composed of monosaccharides is called what?

Its starch. Starch is a polysaccharide carbohydrate molecule which is made up of monosaccharides namely glucose, sucrose, galactose, etc...

A real diet carb?

Foods made with resistant starch create reduced calorie, high fiber products. Resistant starch is not absorbed by the small intestine, where most nutrients are absorbed by the body. The starch undergoes limited digestion in the large intestine. The undigested portion of resistant starch passes through the large intestine as fiber. Small amounts of resistant starch occur naturally in potatoes, grains, and legumes. Food manufacturers use chemical processing to create resistant starches because properties such as crisp texture are enhanced in addition to reducing calories and increasing fiber. Resistant starches are used in baked goods and snack foods.

What is the difference between starch and fiber?

1.starch is digestable and fibre is non digestable. 2.starch made from pectin and amylopectin and fibre made from many plant components such as imonin etc.

Which of these sugars are made by humans glucose fructose mannose starch vitamin c sucrose maltose lactose galactose?

Lactose and glactose

Does fiber have sugar and provides quick energy?

Fiber is made of glucose molecules arranged into a starch(cellulose), so they are not a quick source of energy. Humans have difficulty digesting fiber.

Do dill pickles have starch?

Then explain what the 1 carb is in pickles? It is 0 grams of fiber 0 grams of sugar but 1 gram of carbs, if pickles do not have starch then what is that 1 gram? The only thing left after fiber and sugars is starch, so the top answer here is complete and utter bull dung.

What monosaccharides make up glycogen and starch?

Sucrose is a disaccharide made of glucose and fructose. Starch is a polysaccharide that is simply a chain of glucose.

How does dietar fiber differ chemically from starch?

Fibers are made up of cellulose consisting of beta glucose molecules.Starch is made up of alpha glucose molecules.

Does the human diet have many foods which are made up of only one saccharide type?

monosaccharide - glucose, fructose, disaccharides - maltose, lactose, sucrose polysaccherides - starch, cellulose.

Does potato chips have starch?

Potato chips are made from potatoes, which is a very starchy food. Starch is made up of glucose. In this sense, potato chips should indeed have small amount of glucose present.

Does a carbohydrate have to be both starch and sugar or can it be just starch or sugar?

Carbohydrates are made up of a large group of organic compounds which include both starch and sugar. Sugar is the simplest form, and they supply energy to living cells for respiration. Sugar can be stored as starch (which is insoluble). Starch can be broken down into sugar when it is needed for respiration. Both sugar and starch are carbohydrates.Carbohydrates are usually classified into 4 categories:monosaccharides (aka simple sugars) like glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, and xylosedisaccharides like sucrose, lactose, and maltosedigestible polysaccharides like amylose (aka starch), and glycogenindigestible polysaccharides (aka fiber) like cellulose, chitin, and peptidoglycanAll are composed only of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.